Declarations and Reservations

Article 6

The provisions of Article 6 will be applied subject to the application of Article 438a of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure, which prohibits extradition of nationals of the requested Party.

Article 438 of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure will also be applied in relation to paragraph 1c. Under that Article, the date of commission of the offence will on no account be taken into consideration in establishing the nationality of the wanted person.

Article 7

Paragraph 1 will be applied subject to the provisions of Article 438b of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 11

Article 437, paragraph 1, of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure will continue to be applied in place of Article 11 of the Convention. Under that clause, extradition of a foreign national for an offence punishable by death under the law of the requesting Party is authorised only if Greek criminal law prescribes the same penalty for the offence in question.

Article 18

The last sentence of Article 18, paragraph 4, of the Convention is accepted, with the addition of the following clause from Article 454 of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure: “provided that the new request is based on the same facts”.

Article 19

This Article is accepted subject to the provisions of Article 441 of the Greek Code of Criminal Procedure.