
Article 1

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus declares that under Article 11.2f of the Constitution of the Republic, no extradition of citizens of the Republic can be made. The provisions, therefore of this Article, as far as the Republic of Cyprus is concerned, should be restricted to extradition of aliens.

Article 6

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus declares that so long as under its Constitution no extradition of citizens of the Republic is allowed (cf declaration in respect of Article 1) the term “nationals” within the meaning of the Convention, as far as the Republic of Cyprus is concerned, should mean “citizens of the Republic of Cyprus or persons who, under the provisions relating to citizenship of the Republic in force for the time being, would be entitled to become citizens of the Republic”.

Furthermore, under the provisions of the Criminal Code of Cyprus, citizens of the Republic may be prosecuted in Cyprus, for offences committed in a foreign country punishable with death or imprisonment exceeding two years if the act or omission constituting the offence is also punishable by the law of the country where it was committed.

Article 11

Under the Criminal Code of Cyprus in the case of the Republic committing an offence in a foreign country punishable under the law of Cyprus with death but not so punishable under the law of the foreign country the death penalty is not imposed in the Republic but such citizen is punishable with any other punishment up to imprisonment for life.

Article 21

With regard to citizens of the Republic, the same declaration is made in respect of Articles 1 and 6.