Power to make agreements with Heathrow Airport Limited

21.—(1) The Company and Heathrow Airport Limited may enter into and carry into effect agreements with respect to the construction, maintenance, use and operation of the authorised works or any part thereof and as to any other matters incidental or subsidiary thereto or consequential thereon, including the defraying of or making of contributions towards costs incurred by either party to the agreement.

(2) Any such agreement may provide for the exercise by Heathrow Airport Limited, or the Company and Heathrow Airport Limited jointly, of all or any of the powers of the Company (whether under this Order or under any other enactment) in respect of the authorised works or any part thereof and for the transfer to and vesting in Heathrow Airport Limited, or the Company and Heathrow Airport Limited jointly, of those works or any part thereof together with the rights and obligations of the Company in relation thereto.

(3) Any such agreement may also provide for the use by the Company, for the purpose of the railway comprised in the authorised works, of any works or facilities constructed within the limits of deviation or the areas described in Schedule 2 to this Order under any enactment authorising an extension of the railway authorised by the Heathrow Express Railway Act 1991(1).

(4) The exercise by Heathrow Airport Limited or the Company and Heathrow Airport Limited jointly, of any of the powers of this Order shall be subject to all statutory and contractual provisions in relation thereto as would apply if those powers were exercised by the Company alone and accordingly those provisions with any necessary modifications shall apply to the exercise of such powers by Heathrow Airport Limited, or by the Company and Heathrow Airport Limited jointly.

(5) In this article references to Heathrow Airport Limited include references to any subsidiary (within the meaning of section 736 of the Companies Act 1985(2)) of Heathrow Airport Limited.