Before carrying out under the powers of this Order—
any part of the authorised works on or within 8 metres of the banks of any watercourse or within 16 metres in the case of a watercourse which is tidal (including the tidal docks);
the erection or raising of any obstruction to the flow of any watercourse which is not part of a main river within the meaning of section 113 of the Water Resources Act 1991; or
the construction, alteration or replacement of any culvert or any structure designed to contain or divert the flow of any such watercourse in or through any land within the limits of deviation or the further limits,
DLRL shall supply to the Environment Agency for its approval proper and sufficient plans of its proposals (including, where appropriate, plans for mitigating any adverse effects) and shall not carry out any such operation or work otherwise than in accordance with such plans as are approved.