The Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Regulations 2002

Regulation 30(2)


Excepted packages

1.  An excepted package containing radioactive material other than articles manufactured of natural uranium, depleted uranium, or natural thorium must not contain activities greater than the following—

(a)where the radioactive material is enclosed in or is included as a component part of an instrument or other manufactured article, such as a clock or electronic apparatus, the limits specified in columns 2 and 3 of Table III in Schedule 1 for each individual item and each package respectively; and

(b)where the radioactive material is not so enclosed or is not included as a component of an instrument or other manufactured article, the package limits specified in column 4 of Table III in Schedule 1.

2.  An excepted package containing articles manufactured of natural uranium, depleted uranium, or natural thorium may contain any quantity of such material provided that the outer surface of the uranium or thorium is enclosed in an inactive sheath made of metal or some other substantial material.

Industrial packages

3.  The radioactive contents in a single package of LSA material or in a single package of SCO must be so restricted that the radiation level specified in regulation 43(2) must not be exceeded, and the activity in a single package must also be so restricted that the activity limits for a vehicle specified in column 2 of Table V of Schedule 1 must not be exceeded.

Type A packages

4.  A Type A package must not contain activities greater than the following—

(a)for a Type A package containing a single radionuclide:

(i)for special form radioactive material : A1 ; or

(ii)for all other radioactive material : A2.

(b)for a Type A package containing a mixture of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known the following formula must apply—


  • B(i) is the activity of radionuclide i as special form radioactive material;

  • A1(i) is the A1 value for radionuclide i;

  • C(j) is the activity of radionuclide j as other than special form radioactive material; and

  • A2(j) is the A2 value for radionuclide j.

  • Paragraph 2 of Schedule 3 is also applicable.

Type B(U), Type B(M) and Type C packages

5.  A Type B(U), Type B(M) or Type C package must not contain:

(a)activities greater than those authorised for the package design;

(b)radionuclides different from those authorised for the package design; or

(c)contents in a form, or a physical or chemical state different from those authorised for the package design,

as specified in the package design approval certificate.

Packages containing fissile material

6.  Packages containing fissile material, other than a package falling within paragraph 3 of Part XIV of Schedule 8, must not contain—

(a)a mass of fissile material different from that authorised for the package design,

(b)any contents different from those authorised for the package design, or

(c)contents in a form or physical or chemical state, or in a spatial arrangement, different from those authorised for the package design,

as specified in the package design approval certificate.

Packages containing uranium hexafluoride

7.  The mass of uranium hexafluoride in a package must not exceed a value that would lead to an ullage smaller than 5% at the maximum temperature of the package as specified for the plant systems where the package must be used. The uranium hexafluoride must be in solid form and the internal pressure of the package must be below atmospheric pressure when presented for transport.

Special arrangement transport operations

8.  A special arrangement transport operation must not contain—

(a)activities greater than those authorised for the special arrangement transport operation;

(b)radionuclides different from those authorised for the special arrangement transport operation; or

(c)contents in a form, or a physical or chemical state, or in a spatial arrangement different from those authorised for the special arrangement transport operation,

as specified in the package design approval certificate.