The Animal Gatherings (Interim Measures) (England) (Amendment) Order 2002

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order applies only to England. It amends the Animal Gatherings (Interim Measures) (England) Order 2002 (S.I. 2002/202) (the principal Order), which for a temporary period until 30 November 2002 disapplies and replaces the Markets, Sales and Lairs Order 1925 (S.I. 1925/1349) (as amended), and prohibits the use of premises for animal gatherings unless there is a licence permitting that activity and unless the provisions which are set out in its Schedule are adhered to.

This Order amends—

(a)the definition of “animal gathering” at Article 2(e) of the principal Order (Article 3);

(b)the provisions in paragraph 2 of the Schedule to the principal Order that apply following an animal gathering, so as to remove the requirement that 28 days must have passed before other animals can be allowed on the premises (Article 4);

(c)the provisions in paragraph 6 of the Schedule to the principal Order so as to require the premises to undergo further cleansing and disinfection if for any reason they become contaminated after they have been cleansed and disinfected in accordance with the principal Order (Article 5).

A regulatory impact assessment has not been prepared for this Order.