
Appointed day

2.  6th April 2002 is the day appointed for the coming into force of—

(a)section 11(4) to (10) (effect of bankruptcy on pension rights: approved arrangements) so far as not already in force;

(b)section 12 (effect of bankruptcy on pension rights: unapproved arrangements) so far as not already in force;

(c)section 13 (sections 11 and 12: application to Scotland) so far as not already in force;

(d)section 14 (no forfeiture on bankruptcy of rights under pension schemes);

(e)section 15 (excessive pension contributions made by persons who have become bankrupt) so far as not already in force;

(f)section 16 (excessive pension contributions made by persons who have become bankrupt: Scotland) so far as not already in force;

(g)section 18 (miscellaneous amendments), so far as relating to paragraph 6 of Schedule 2;

(h)section 84(1) (consequential amendments etc.), so far as relating to paragraphs 67 to 72 of Schedule 12;

(i)section 88 (repeals), so far as relating to the repeals in Schedule 13 referred to in paragraph (l) below;

(j)paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 (effect of certain orders on guaranteed minimum pensions);

(k)paragraphs 67 to 72 of Schedule 12 (consequential amendments to the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985(1) and the Insolvency Act 1986(2)); and

(l)Part I of Schedule 13 (pensions: miscellaneous) in respect of the following—

(i)the repeal of section 159(5) of the Pension Schemes Act 1993(3) (inalienability of guaranteed minimum pension and protected rights payments on bankruptcy),

(ii)the repeal of section 91(3) of the Pensions Act 1995(4) (inalienability of occupational pension on bankruptcy),

(iii)the repeals in sections 92(2) and 94(3) of that Act (forfeiture of occupational pension rights by reference to bankruptcy and application of sections 91 and 92 of that Act to Scotland), and

(iv)the repeal of section 95 of that Act (pension rights of individuals adjudged bankrupt etc.).