The Freedom of Information (Additional Public Authorities) Order 2002

Article 2


  • The Adjudication Panel for Wales.

  • The All-Wales Medicines Strategy Group.

  • The Care Council for Wales.

  • The Certification Officer.

  • The Children’s Commissioner for Wales.

  • The Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses.

  • The Consumer Council for Postal Services.

  • The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.

  • The Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel, in relation to information held by it otherwise than as a tribunal.

  • The Electoral Commission.

  • The Gas and Electricity Consumer Council.

  • The General Social Care Council.

  • The General Teaching Council for Wales.

  • The National Care Standards Commission.

  • The National Council for Education and Training for Wales.

  • Any Rail Passengers' Committee established under section 2(2) of the Railways Act 1993(1).

  • The Standards Board for England.

  • The Strategic Rail Authority.


1993 c. 43. These bodies were formerly known as Rail Users' Consultative Committees, but were renamed by section 227(1) of the Transport Act 2000 (c. 38), and section 2(2) of the Railways Act 1993 was amended accordingly.