Records and lists kept under articles 9, 10 and 12
11.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the records kept under articles 9(4) and 12(5) and the lists kept under articles 10(4) and 12(7) shall be in such form as the registration officer thinks fit.
(2) In that part of the absent voters list referred to in article 10(4)(a), the address to which a ballot paper shall be sent to a person who is entitled to vote by post as an elector shall be placed on the right hand side of his name and electoral number.
(3) In that part of the absent voters list referred to in article 10(4)(b) (the list of proxies), the name and address of the proxy shall be placed on the right hand side of the elector’s name and electoral number.
(4) In the list kept under article 12(7) (those proxies who are entitled to vote by post), the name of the proxy, together with the address to which his ballot paper shall be sent, shall be placed on the right hand side of the elector’s name and electoral number.
(5) The registration officer shall make available for inspection at his office a copy of the records kept under articles 9(4) and 12(5).
(6) As soon as practicable after the day referred to in paragraph 6(1) above, the registration officer shall publish the lists kept under articles 10(4) and 12(7) by making a copy of them available for inspection at his office; and he shall continue to make a copy of those lists so available until the date of the poll.
(7) Subject to sub-paragraph (8) below, as soon as practicable after the publication of the lists referred to in sub-paragraph (6) above, the registration officer shall, on request, supply free of charge a copy of them to each–
(a)candidate for return as a constituency member, or his election agent; or
(b)individual candidate for return as a regional member or nominating officer of a party standing nominated or the election agent of such a candidate or party.
(8) But if such a request is made before any issue of postal ballot papers, he shall before that issue supply a copy of those lists or so much of them as relates to that issue.
(9) In this paragraph, “electoral number” means a person’s number in the register to be used at the election.