Disqualification of Trustees8


If the Trustees are satisfied that a trustee (other than the principal operational officer)—


has been absent from meetings of the Trustees for a period of six consecutive months without the permission of the Trustees; or


has become bankrupt or has made an arrangement with his creditors; or


is incapacitated by physical or mental illness from discharging the functions of a trustee;

the Trustees may by resolution declare the office of that trustee to be vacant and thereupon his office shall become vacant.


If the Trustees are satisfied that a trustee


has acted in a manner which has seriously impeded or prejudiced the Trustees in the performance of their functions;


has failed to comply with the standards required for the governance of the harbour by the Trustees;


has acted in a manner which may bring the Trustees into disrepute or which is otherwise inappropriate having regard to the functions of the Trustees; or


is otherwise unable, unwilling or unfit to discharge adequately the functions of a trustee;

the Trustees may request in writing the resignation of that trustee and, by resolution, declare the office of that trustee to be vacant and thereupon his office shall become vacant.