Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order, which is made under the Hallmarking Act 1973 revokes the earlier Hallmarking (International Convention) Order 1976 which implemented the Convention referred to in Article 2.

It recognises convention hallmarks and sponsors marks applied in another convention country; and as a consequence articles bearing such marks will be hallmarked for the purposes of the Act and can therefore be described in the United Kingdom as being of the precious metal (gold, silver or platinum) of which they are made.

The Order also provides for the application in the United Kingdom of similar marks which will be recognised in other convention countries. Articles of fineness of only 830 (accepted by some countries but not by the United Kingdom) may have applied to them marks appropriate to articles of that fineness, but may not be described in the United Kingdom as being of silver unless they are intended for despatch to a destination outside the United Kingdom.

The Order also adds the marks of Netherlands to the list of Foreign Assay Office Marks in Schedule 2.