Making of placements34.


Except in the case of an emergency or immediate placement under regulation 38, a responsible authority may only place a child with a foster parent if—


the foster parent is approved—


by the responsible authority proposing to make the placement; or


provided the conditions specified in paragraph (2) are satisfied, by another fostering service provider;


the terms of his approval are consistent with the proposed placement; and


he has entered into a foster care agreement.


The conditions referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(ii) are—


that the fostering service provider by whom the foster parent is approved, consents to the placement;


that any other responsible authority which already has a child placed with the foster parent, consents to the placement;


where applicable, that the area authority is consulted, its views are taken into account, and it is given notice if the placement is made; and


where the foster parent is approved by an independent fostering agency, the requirements of regulation 40 are complied with.


Before making a placement, the responsible authority shall enter into a written agreement (in these regulations referred to as the “foster placement agreement”) with the foster parent relating to the child, which covers the matters specified in Schedule 6.