The Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003

Records of allowances

15.—(1) An authority shall keep a record of the payments made by it in accordance with a scheme.

(2) Such a record shall—

(a)specify the name of the recipient of the payment and the amount and nature of each payment;

(b)be available, at all reasonable times, for inspection and at no charge—

(i)where it is kept by an authority specified in regulation 3(1)(a) to 3(1)(d), by any local government elector for the area of that authority; and

(ii)where it is kept by any other authority, by any local government elector of any authority specified in regulation 3(1)(a) to 3(1)(d) in whose area that other authority exercises functions; and

(c)be supplied in copy to any person who requests such a copy and who pays to the authority such reasonable fee as it may determine.

(3) As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of a year to which the scheme relates, an authority shall make arrangements for the publication within the authority’s area of the total sum paid by it in the year under the scheme to each recipient in respect of each of the following—

(a)basic allowance;

(b)special responsibility allowance;

(c)dependants' carers' allowance;

(d)travelling and subsistence allowance; and

(e)co-optees' allowance.