The Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Hearings Procedure) (Wales) Rules 2003

Procedure after hearing—non-transferred appeals

13.—(1) This rule applies where a hearing has been held for the purposes of a non-transferred appeal.

(2) After the close of the hearing, the inspector must make a report in writing to the National Assembly which must include the inspector’s findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations or the inspector’s reasons for not making any recommendations.

(3) When making its determination, the National Assembly may disregard any written representations, evidence or other document received after the hearing has closed.

(4) If, after the close of the hearing, the National Assembly—

(a)differs from the inspector on any matter of fact mentioned in, or appearing to it to be material to, a conclusion reached by the inspector, or

(b)takes into consideration any new evidence or new matter of fact (not being a matter of National Assembly policy),

and is for that reason disposed to disagree with a recommendation made by the inspector, it must not come to a decision which is at variance with that recommendation without first notifying the persons entitled to, and who did, take part in the hearing of its disagreement and the reasons for it.

(5) Where persons entitled to, and who did, take part in the hearing are notified pursuant to paragraph (4), the National Assembly must give them an opportunity to make written representations to it or (if the National Assembly has taken into consideration any new evidence or new matter of fact, not being a matter of National Assembly policy) to ask for the re-opening of the hearing.

(6) Those making written representations or requesting the hearing to be re-opened pursuant to paragraph (5) must ensure that such representations or requests are received by the National Assembly within 3 weeks of the date of the National Assembly’s notification under that paragraph.

(7) The National Assembly may, as it thinks fit, cause a hearing to be re-opened, and it must do so if asked by the appellant or the local planning authority in the circumstances mentioned in paragraph (5) and within the period mentioned in paragraph (6).

(8) Where a hearing is re-opened pursuant to paragraph (7) (whether by the same or a different inspector)—

(a)the National Assembly must send to the persons entitled to, and who did, take part in the hearing a written statement of the matters on which further evidence is invited; and

(b)paragraphs (2) to (6) of rule 6 apply as if references to a hearing were references to a re-opened hearing.