
Circumstances in which a person is or is not to be treated as acting on behalf of the giver of a merger notice

14.—(1) A person shall be treated as acting on behalf of a person who is authorised to give a merger notice or who has given such a notice only if the person on whose behalf he is to be treated as acting has authorised him so to act in accordance with paragraph (2).

(2) An authorisation to act on behalf of another person for the purposes of paragraph (1) shall be given to the OFT in writing and an authorisation to act on behalf of a company shall be signed by a director or other officer of that company.

(3) A person who has given an authorisation in accordance with paragraph (1) may revoke it by a notice in writing given to the OFT and, where that person is a company, the notice shall be signed by a director or other officer of that company.