The Health Professions Council (Registration and Fees) Rules Order of Council 2003

The Register

3.—(1) There shall be entered in the register against the full name of each registrant—

(a)his registration number;

(b)his last known home address; and

(c)any qualification of the registrant which has led to his registration.

(2) The home address of a registrant shall not be included in any published version of the register without his consent.

(3) The entries for registrants in each part of the register shall appear in the alphabetical order of their surnames.

(4) The Registrar may enter on the register any other information which is material to a registrant’s registration.

(5) The Registrar shall keep the register in a form and manner which guards against falsification and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that only he and such persons as have been authorised by him in writing for the purpose shall be able to amend the register or have access to the version of the register which contains entries which are not included in the published version of the register.