The End-of-Life Vehicles Regulations 2003

Regulation 6


Materials and components Scope and expiry date of the exemptionTo be labelled or made identifiable in accordance with Article 4(2)(b)(iv) of the Directive

Dismantling if, in correlation with entry 14, an average threshold of 60 grams per vehicle is exceeded. For the application of this clause, electronic devices not installed by the manfacturer on the production line shall not be taken into account.


Dismantling if, in correlation with entry 11, an average threshold of 60 grams per vehicle is exceeded. For the application of this clause, electronic devices not installed by the manufacturer on the production line shall not be taken into account.


From 31st December 2005 cadmium in batteries for electrical vehicles shall not be put on the market.

A maximum concentration value up to 0.1% by weight and per homogeneous material, for lead, hexavalent chromium and mercury and up to 0.01% by weight and per homogeneous material for cadmium shall be tolerated, provided these substances are not intentionally introduced (1);

A maximum concentration value up to 0.4% by weight of lead in aluminium shall also be tolerated provided it is not intentionally introduced (2);

A maximum concentration value up to 0.4% by weight of lead in copper intended for friction materials in brake linings shall be tolerated until 1st July 2007 provided it is not intentionally introduced (3);

The reuse of parts of vehicles which were already on the market at the date of expiry of an exemption is allowed without limitation since it is not covered by Article 4(2)(a) of the Directive;

Until 1st July 2007 new replacement parts intended for repair (4) of parts of vehicles exempted from the provisions of Article 4(2)(a) of the Directive shall also benefit from the same exemptions.


“Intentionally introduced” shall mean “deliberately utilised in the formulation of a material or component where its continued presence is desired in the final product to provide a specific characteristic, appearance or quality”. The use of recycled materials as feedstock for the manufacture of new products, where some portion of the recycled materials may contain amounts of regulated metals, is not to be considered as intentionally introduced.


See footnote 1.


See footnote 1.


This clause applies to replacement parts and not to components intended for normal servicing of vehicles. It does not apply to wheel balance weights, carbon brushes for electric motors and brake linings as these components are covered in specific entries.

Lead as an alloying element

1.  Steel for machining purposes and galvanised steel containing up to 0.35% lead by weight

2.—(a) Aluminium for machining purposes with a lead content up to 2% by weight

1st July 2005

(b)Aluminium for machining purposes with a lead content up to 1% by weight

1st July 2008

3.  Copper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight

4.  Lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes

Lead and lead compounds in components

5.  Batteries

6.  Vibration dampers

7.  Wheel balance weights

Vehicles type-approved before 1st July 2003 and wheel balance weights intended for servicing of these vehicles: 1st July 2005

8.  Vulcanising agents and stabilisers for elastomers in fluid handling and powertrain applications

1st July 2005

9.  Stabiliser in protective paints

1st July 2005

10.  Carbon brushes for electric motors

Vehicles type-approved before 1st July 2003 and carbon brushes for electric motors intended for servicing of these vehicles: 1st January 2005

11.  Solder in electronic circuit boards and other electric applications


12.  Copper in brake linings containing more than 0.5% lead by weight

Vehicles type-approved before 1st July 2003 and servicing on these vehicles: 1st January 2004

13.  Valve seats

Engine types developed before 1st July 2003: 1st July 2006

14.  Electrical components which contain lead in a glass or ceramic matrix compound except glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs

(1) (for components other than piezo in engines)

15.  Glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs

1st January 2005

16.  Pyrotechnic initiators

1st July 2007
Hexavalent chromium

17.  Corrosion preventative coatings

1st July 2007

18.  Absorption refrigerators in motorcaravans


19.  Discharge lamps and instrument panel displays


20.  Thick film pastes

1st July 2006

21.  Batteries for electrical vehicles

After 31st December 2005, the placing on the market of NiCd batteries shall only be allowed as replacement parts for vehicles put on the market before this date

Regulation 15


For the labelling and identification of vehicle plastic components and materials having a weight of more than 100 grams, the following nomenclature applies:

  • ISO 1043-1 Plastics—symbols and abbreviated terms. Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics.

  • ISO 1043-2 Plastics—symbols and abbreviated terms. Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials.

  • ISO 11469 Plastics—Generic identification and marking of plastic products.

For the labelling and identification of vehicle elastomer components and materials having a weight of more than 200 grams, the following nomenclature applies:

  • ISO 1629 Rubbers and latices—Nomenclature. This shall not apply to the labelling of tyres.

The symbols “<” or “>” used in the ISO standards, can be substituted by brackets.

Regulation 29


1.  Name, address, signature and registration or identification number(1) of the establishment or undertaking issuing the certificate.

2.  Name and address of competent authority responsible for the permit (in accordance with Article 6(2) of the Directive) for the establishment or undertaking issuing the certificate of destruction.

3.  Date of issue of the certificate of destruction.

4.  Vehicle nationality mark and registration number (attach the registration document or a statement by the establishment or undertaking issuing the certificate that the registration document has been destroyed(2)).

5.  Class of vehicle, brand and model.

6.  Vehicle identification number (chassis).

7.  Name, address, nationality and signature of the holder or owner of the vehicle delivered.

Regulation 41


The information to be contained in a certificate of compliance is as follows—

(a)the name and address of the producer who issued the certificate of compliance;

(b)the date of certificate;

(c)the marque or marques of vehicle which the producer accepts responsibility for putting on the market on or after 1st July 2002;

(d)the information relevant to demonstrate the producer’s compliance with theobligations in regulation 39, including details of—

(i)an appropriate contact point, and

(ii)a list of organisations to whom this has been notified;

(e)confirmation/certification by the producer that he has complied with his obligations under regulation 39.

Regulations 44, 45 and 48


PART 1Obligations in respect of keeping or treatment of waste motor vehicles

1.  No waste motor vehicle shall be kept (even temporarily) unless such keeping—

(a)is carried out in accordance with the general requirements laid down in Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EC on waste; and

(b)complies with the minimum technical requirements set out in Part 2 below.

2.  No waste motor vehicle shall be treated unless, in respect of the activity or operation performed, that treatment—

(a)is carried out in accordance with the general requirements laid down in Article 4 of Council Directive 75/442/EC on waste; and

(b)complies with the minimum technical requirements set out in Part 2 below and, where applicable, meets the following obligations—

(i)save where it has already been so treated—

(aa)the waste motor vehicle shall first be stripped in a way that best reduces any adverse impact on the environment, before any further treatment or other equivalent arrangement is undertaken, and

(bb)any of its components or materials which have been labelled or otherwise made identifiable in accordance with regulation 18(2) of the End-of-Life Vehicles Regulations 2003 shall be stripped before any further treatment;

(ii)save where it has already been so treated in whole or part, and subject to paragraph (i), depollution of the waste motor vehicle (as described in paragraph 3 of Part 2 below) shall be completed as soon as possible;

(iii)hazardous materials and components shall be removed from the waste motor vehicle and segregated in such a way so as not to contaminate any part of the vehicle that is subsequently to be shredded;

(iv)any stripping or keeping of the waste motor vehicle shall be carried out in such a way as to ensure the suitability of its components for either reuse or recovery, and in particular recycling.

PART 2Minimum technical requirements for the keeping and treatment of waste motor vehicles

1.  The keeping (even temporarily) of a waste motor vehicle prior to treatment shall only be carried out at a site—

(a)having, in appropriate areas, impermeable surfaces and provided with spillage collection facilities, decanters, and cleanser-degreasers, and

(b)provided with equipment for the treatment of water (including rainwater) in compliance with all applicable legislation concerning health and environmental matters.

2.  The treatment of a waste motor vehicle shall only be carried out at a site—

(a)having, in appropriate areas, impermeable surfaces and provided with spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degreasers;

(b)provided with storage facilities that are appropriate for dismantled spare parts, including impermeable storage facilities for spare parts that are contaminated with oil;

(c)provided with containers that are appropriate for the storage of batteries (whether electrolyte neutralisation is carried out on-site or elsewhere), filters, and condensers containing any PCB or PCT or both;

(d)provided with storage tanks that are appropriate for the separate segregated storage of any fluid from a waste motor vehicle;

(e)provided with equipment for the treatment of water (including rainwater) in compliance with all applicable legislation concerning health and environmental matters;

(f)at which there is appropriate storage for used tyres without excessive stockpiling, and minimising any risk of fire.

3.  Treatment operations for the depollution of a waste motor vehicle shall consist of—

(a)the removal of the battery or batteries;

(b)the removal of the liquified gas tank;

(c)the removal or neutralisation of all potentially explosive components (including air bags);

(d)the removal and separate collection and storage of all—


(ii)motor oil;

(iii)transmission oil;

(iv)gearbox oil;

(v)hydraulic oil;

(vi)cooling liquids;


(viii)brake fluids;

(ix)air-conditioning system fluids;

and any other fluid contained in the said vehicle, but excluding any fluid which is necessarily retained for the re-use of the part concerned;

(e)the removal, so far as is feasible, of all components identified as containing mercury.

4.  In order to promote its subsequent recycling, where an article or material listed below is first present in a waste motor vehicle, no treatment of that vehicle shall prevent the removal—

(a)of the catalyst or catalysts;

(b)(either during shredding or otherwise) of all metal components containing one or more of copper, aluminium and magnesium;

(c)(either during shredding or otherwise) of the tyres;

(d)(either during shredding or otherwise) of all large plastic components (including bumpers, the dashboard, and any fluid container) in such a way that they can be effectively recycled as materials;

(e)of glass,

and where any such article or material is removed it shall be done in such a way as best promotes its recycling.

5.  Any keeping operations shall be carried out in such a manner as avoids damage to—

(a)any component containing a fluid or fluids;

(b)any recoverable component;

(c)any spare part.


This requirement may be waived in the case where the national registration or identification does not provide for such number.


In the case where no registration document exists on paper due to the use of an electronic registration system, this requirement may be waived.