(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document 2003 (“the Document”). It requires the pay of classroom teachers to whom paragraphs 15 and 16 of the Document apply, or to whom paragraph 27 of the Document applied before 14th October 2003, to be determined with effect from 14th October 2003. The amendment to paragraph 16 of the Document made by the Order requires such a teacher to be awarded the number of points on the main pay scale corresponding to the point on which he was placed on that scale in the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document 2002 (“the 2002 Document”), and one point on the main pay scale for each year of qualifying employment since he was placed on it.

Paragraph 27 of the Document, which is concerned with the pay of classroom teachers taking up new posts, is amended to require the award of an additional point in respect of each year of qualifying employment undertaken since such a teacher was last placed on a point on the pay scale in the previous teachers pay documents mentioned in that paragraph. Incorrect references to the 2002 Document have been removed from paragraph 27.