SCHEDULE 3Deductions from Relevant Forage Area


The deductions to relevant forage area shall be made as follows—


X hectares shall be deducted from A, where X is equal to the lesser of—


TLU÷1.9; and




if TLU is greater than 1.9X, Y hectares shall be deducted from B, where Y is equal to the lesser of—


(TLU-1.9X)÷1.4; and




if TLU is greater than 1.9X + (1.4 × Y), Z hectares shall be deducted from C, where Z is equal to the lesser of—


TLU-(1.9X+(1.4×Y)); and



  • where—

    • “A” is the number of hectares of relevant forage area not within a less favoured area;

    • “B” is the number of hectares of relevant forage area which is disadvantaged land or severely disadvantaged land, in each case other than moorland or common land;

    • “C” is the number of hectares of relevant forage area which is moorland or common land; and

    • TLU” is the total number of livestock units in the notional dairy herd.