Article 2(b)(i)

SCHEDULE 1Reservations and Declarations by Azerbaijan



Article 1

The Republic of Azerbaijan reserves the right not to grant extradition on humanitarian grounds taking into consideration the age or state of health of the person sought.

The Republic of Azerbaijan will refuse the extradition if there are sufficient grounds for supposing that the extradition would affect the sovereignty or national security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Republic of Azerbaijan will refuse to grant extradition if there are sufficient grounds for supposing that the person requested for extradition will be exposed to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the requesting State.

The Republic of Azerbaijan will not grant extradition if there are sufficient grounds for supposing that the person requested for the extradition will be persecuted for reasons of race, nationality, language, religion, citizenship or political opinion.

Article 6

The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that according to Article 53(II) of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan in no circumstances a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be extradited to another State. In this respect the Republic of Azerbaijan in any case will refuse to extradite its citizens.