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Regulation 2(2)


Cargo shipAny ship which is not a passenger shipRegulation I-2(g) of the SOLAS Convention.
CompanyThe owner of the ship or any other organisation or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management Code.Regulation IX-1 of the SOLAS Convention.
Company security officerThe person designated by the company for ensuring that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is developed, submitted for approval, and thereafter implemented and maintained, and for liaison with port facility security officers and the ship security officer.Section 2.1.7 of Part A of the ISPS Code.
Declaration of securityAn agreement reached between a ship and either a port facility or another ship with which it interfaces specifying the security measures each will implement.Regulation XI-2/1.15 of the SOLAS Convention.
High speedcraftA craft capable of a maximum speed in metres per second (m/s) equal to or exceeding 3.7�?� 0.667.Regulation X/1.2 of the SOLAS Convention.
Mobile offshore drilling unitA mechanically propelled mobile offshore drilling unit not on location.Regulation IX/1 of the SOLAS Convention.
Passenger shipA ship which carries more than twelve passengers.Regulation I/2(f) of the SOLAS Convention.
Port facilityA location determined as such by the designated authority, where the ship/port interface takes place and includes areas such as anchorages, waiting berths and approaches from seaward as appropriate.Regulation XI-2/1.9 of the SOLAS Convention.
Port facilitysecurityofficerThe person designated as responsible for the development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the port facility security plan and for liaison with the ship security officers and company security officers.Section 2.1.8 of Part A of the ISPS Code.
Ship/port interfaceThe interactions that occur when a ship is directly and immediately affected by actions involving the movement of persons, goods or the provision of port services to or from the ship.Regulation XI-2/1.8 of the SOLAS Convention.
Ship securityofficerThe person on board the ship, accountable to the master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers.Section 2.1.6 of Part A of the ISPS Code.