PART 3Consequential amendments of secondary legislation

Regulations for the Payment of Dividends (pursuant to section 4(1) of the National Debt Act 1889) 1957

20.—(1) The Regulations for the Payment of Dividends(1) (pursuant to section 4(1) of the National Debt Act 1889) 1957 are amended as follows.

(2) For “in the Bank books”, wherever occurring, there is substituted “in the registers kept by the Registrar of Government Stock in accordance with regulations under section 47 of the Finance Act 1942 (see regulation 7 of the Government Stock Regulations 2004)”.

(3) For “Bank of England”, wherever occurring, there is substituted “Registrar of Government Stock”.

(4) For “any other Banker” there is substituted “any Banker”.

(5) For “such other Banker” there is substituted “such Banker”.


Made by the Bank of England, with the concurrence of the Treasury, pursuant to section 4(1) of the National Debt Act 1889 (c. 6), on 17 October 1957.