Rule 11(a)

SCHEDULE 4U.K.Notice of renewal of registration

1.  The following information shall be provided by the registrant, on the personalised documentation supplied by the Council—U.K.

(a)her surname;

(b)her initials;

(c)her personal identification number;

(d)the date upon which her existing period of registration shall end;

(e)a declaration that she has complied with rule 13(1) in respect of the part or parts of the register in relation to which she is seeking to renew her registration; and

(f)a declaration by the registrant as to her good health and good character.

2.  Any registrant who has been convicted of any criminal offence or been issued with a formal caution, since her registration or last renewal of registration, shall provide details of the same in a manner which the Council may from time to time determine.U.K.