Article 2(1)



ProvisionsSubject Matter of Provisions
Section 3Designated responsibilities for Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Section 4Additional responsibilities under designating directions
Section 5(1)Supplemental provisions of designating directions
Section 6Designations relating to Scotland
Section 9General duties when carrying out functions
Section 13Annual plans
Section 22Expenditure and receipts of NDA
Sections 36 and 37 in so far as they relate to provisions in Chapter 1 of Part 1 of the Act previously commenced or commenced by this OrderMeaning of “nuclear site” etc. and “person with control” and general interpretation of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of the Act
Section 133“New trading and transmission arrangements”
Section 134Power to modify licence conditions
Section 135 for the purpose of defining “transmission” and “transmission system” where those terms are used in section 133Definition of “transmission” and “transmission system”
Section 137 (1), (2), (3), (4) and (7)New standard conditions for transmission licences
Section 138Conversion of existing transmission licences
Section 140(2), (3) and (4)Duties to provide information to the Secretary of State and exclusion of section 105(1) of the Utilities Act 2000(1)
Section 142Interpretation of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of the Act
Section 144Transition
Sections 190 to 196 in so far as they relate to Chapter 1 of Part 3 of the ActSupplementary provisions relating to functions of the Secretary of State and the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, and supplemental powers
Schedule 3Procedural requirements applicable to NDA’s annual plans
Schedule 17Conversion of existing transmission licences: licensing scheme