
Regulations 9(4) and 33(1)



1.  The Secretary of State may approve any laboratory that she considers to be suitable for the purposes of carrying out Mycoplasma testing under the Poultry Health Scheme.

2.  The operator of a laboratory approved under paragraph (1) shall pay the annual approval fee each year, the details of which are set out in Part 2 of this Schedule.

3.  In order to ensure that approved laboratories remain suitable for approval, an inspector shall carry out inspections and quality assurance testing as the Secretary of State considers necessary.


1.  The Secretary of State shall—

(a)determine the annual approval fee on the basis of the cost attributable to each laboratory of the items listed in paragraph 3; and

(b)publish the current annual approval fee on the website of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

2.  The annual approval fee shall be payable to the Secretary of State in respect of each approved laboratory and shall be non-refundable.

3.  The items referred to in paragraph 1(a) are—

(a)the salaries and fees, together with overtime payments and employers' national insurance and superannuation contributions, of—

(i)any person directly involved in the administration of the approval of laboratories;

(ii)any person engaged in the management or administration of this work; and

(iii)any veterinary inspector who carries out inspections of laboratories;

(b)recruiting and training the staff referred to in sub-paragraph (a);

(c)travel and related incidental expenses incurred in the administration of the approval of laboratories (including carrying out inspections), except where incurred by a person attending his normal place of work.

(d)office accommodation, equipment and services for staff involved in the administration of approval of laboratories, including depreciation of office furniture and equipment and the cost of information technology and stationery;

(e)provision of protective clothing and equipment used in carrying out inspections of establishments, and laundering that protective clothing;

(f)provision of quality assurance testing samples, assessment of the results and provision of advice about the results;

(g)provision of payroll and personnel services in connection with the employment of staff involved in the administration of approval of laboratories; and

(h)any other incidental expenses incurred in connection with the administration of the approval of laboratories.