[Allocation of seatsE+W+S
59.—(1) The returning officer, as soon as practicable after he has been informed of the contents of the statements prepared under rule 57(1) by local returning officers in his region must calculate the total number of votes given to each registered party and individual candidate in all of the local counting areas within the electoral region, as shown in those statements.
(2) Subject to paragraph (4)[, rule 60 and rule 60A], the returning officer must then allocate the seats in accordance with subsections (5) to (9) of section 2 of the 2002 Act.
(3) The returning officer must give the persons entitled to be present reasonable facilities for satisfying themselves that the results of the calculation and allocation which he is required to make are accurate; and in particular, a person entitled to be present may require the returning officer to make a calculation or allocation again but the returning officer may refuse to do so if in his opinion the request is unreasonable.
(4) At a by-election at which there is only one vacancy, subsections (5) to (9) of section 2 of the 2002 Act are to have effect as though they provided that the party or individual candidate to whom the majority of the votes have been given must be declared to be elected.]