The European Parliamentary Elections Regulations 2004


50.(1) Sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) prescribe the envelopes which are to be issued to a postal voter in addition to the ballot paper and postal voting statement (which are issued under rule 28 of the European Parliamentary elections rules).

(2) There must be issued an envelope for the return of the postal ballot paper or, as the case may be, ballot papers and the postal voting statement (referred to as a “covering envelope”) which must be marked with the letter “B”.

(3) There must also be issued a smaller envelope (referred to as a “ballot paper envelope”) which must be marked with—

(a)the letter “A”;

(b)the words “ballot paper envelope”; and

(c)unless the envelope has a window through which the number on the ballot paper (or ballot papers) can be displayed, the number of the ballot paper or, as the case may be, ballot papers.

(4) Where polls are taken together (under the provisions referred to in paragraph 41) but not the proceedings on the issue and receipt of postal ballot papers—

(a)the envelope referred to in sub-paragraph (2) must also be marked “Covering envelope for the [insert colour of ballot paper] coloured ballot paper”; and

(b)on the envelope referred to in sub-paragraph (3), after the words “Ballot paper envelope” there must be added the words “for the [insert colour of ballot paper] coloured ballot paper”.]