Works in the River and DockE+W
15.—(1) Without prejudice to the other powers conferred by this Order or otherwise available to it, DLRL may within the dock area and the river area for the purposes of or in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of the authorised works and notwithstanding any interference thereby with any public or private rights—
(a)alter, relocate or replace any work or structure;
(b)carry out excavations and clearance, dredging, deepening, dumping and pumping operations;
(c)use, appropriate and dispose of any materials (including liquids but excluding any wreck within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 ) obtained by it in carrying out any such operations;
(d)remove or relocate any mooring;
(e)remove and relocate any vessel or structure sunk, stranded or abandoned or moored or left (whether lawfully or not);
(f)temporarily moor or anchor vessels and structures and load and unload into and from such vessels or structures equipment, machinery, soil and any other materials in connection with the construction of the works;
(g)temporarily remove, alter, strengthen, interfere with, occupy and use the banks, bed, foreshore, waters and walls of King George V Dock and the River Thames; and
(h)construct, place and maintain temporary works and structures;
in such manner and to such extent as may appear to it to be necessary or convenient.
(2) Except in the case of an emergency, DLRL will use its reasonable endeavours to notify the owner of any mooring and the owner or master of any vessel or structure affected by the proposal to exercise the powers of paragraph (1)(d) or (e) before the exercise of that power.
(3) In this article—
(a)“the dock area” means so much of the bed, waters, banks and walls of King George V Dock as is comprised in the lands numbered 2 and 3 on the deposited plans in the London Borough of Newham; and
(b)“the river area” means so much of the bed, waters, foreshore, banks and walls of the River Thames as is comprised in the lands numbered 92, 93 and 107 on the deposited plans in the London Borough of Greenwich.