Transitional provision: compensation

7.—(1) Where a right to compensation arises under Part 4 of the 1990 Act in consequence of action taken in relation to land within a designated area by an authority which ceases by virtue of this Order to be the local planning authority in relation to that matter, the liability to pay compensation shall lie with that authority.

(2) Where the Secretary of State makes a determination of an appeal against action taken by such authority as is mentioned in paragraph (1), or on a reference made to him by such authority, and that determination gives rise to a right to compensation, that authority shall be liable to pay the compensation.

(3) Where the Secretary of State makes an order under sections 100 or 104 of the 1990 Act in respect of a matter arising before this Order comes into force, which relates to land in a designated area, the authority which was the local planning authority in relation to that land when the matter arose shall remain liable to pay any compensation arising from the order.