
PART 3Acquisition and Possession of Land

Powers of acquisition

Power to acquire land

29.—(1) Merseytravel may acquire compulsorily so much of the land shown on the works and land plans as lying within the permanent limits as may be required for or in connection with the authorised works and may use any land so acquired for those purposes or for any other purposes connected with, or ancillary to, its tram system undertaking.

(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall authorise Merseytravel to acquire compulsorily any of the lands mentioned in Schedule 3 to this Order, or any rights over those lands, but Merseytravel may acquire by agreement any part of those lands, or any rights over them, and use them, for the purposes referred to in that paragraph.

(3) This article is subject to articles 34 and 35(2).