

PART IIExchange of Notes

Note from Her Majesty’s Government


I refer to the text of the proposed model “Agreement on the Taxation of Savings Income between the United Kingdom Overseas Territory of Montserrat and [EU Member State that is to apply automatic exchange of information]” that was approved at the High Level Working Party (Taxation of Savings) of the Council of Ministers of the European Union of 22 June 2004 .

In view of the above mentioned text, and respecting the constitutional relationship between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Montserrat, I have the honour

I have the honour to propose that, if the above is acceptable to your Government, this letter together with its Appendix 1 and your confirmation shall together constitute our mutual acceptance and making of the arrangements between the United Kingdom and Montserrat.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of our highest consideration,

Bill Rammell

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

For the Government of the United Kingdom

Done in London on 22 July 2004 in three copies.

Note from the Government of Montserrat


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 22 July 2004, which reads as follows:


I refer to the text of the proposed model “Agreement on the Taxation of Savings Income between the United Kingdom Overseas Territory of Montserrat and [EU Member State that is to apply automatic exchange of information]” that was approved by the High Level Working Party (Taxation of Savings) of the Council of Ministers of the European Union on 22 June 2004.

In view of the above mentioned text, and respecting the constitutional relationship between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Montserrat, I have the honour

I have the honour to propose that, if the above is acceptable to your Government, this letter together with its Appendix 1 and your confirmation shall together constitute our mutual acceptance and making of the arrangements between the United Kingdom and Montserrat.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of our highest consideration

I am able to confirm that the Government of Montserrat is in agreement with the contents of your letter dated 22 July 2004.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration,

John A Osborne

Chief Minister

For the Government of Montserrat

Done in Montserrat on 16 December 2004 in three copies.