The County of West Sussex (Electoral Changes) Order 2005

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order gives effect, with modifications, to recommendations by the Boundary Committee for England, a committee of the Electoral Commission, for electoral changes in the county of West Sussex.

The modifications concern the names of Arundel and Wick, Bognor Regis West and Aldwick, Cuckfield and Lucastes, East Preston and Ferring, Goring and Northbrook, Hassocks and Victoria, Horsham Carfax, Southwater and Nuthurst, and Warnham and Rusper electoral divisions.

The changes have effect in relation to local government elections to be held on and after the ordinary day of election of councillors in 2005.

Article 3 abolishes the existing electoral divisions of the county and provides for the creation of 62 new electoral divisions. That article and the Schedule also make provision for the names and areas of, and numbers of councillors for, the new electoral divisions.

Article 4 makes electoral changes in the parish of Rustington.

Article 6 obliges the Electoral Registration Officer for each district or borough in the county of West Sussex to make any necessary amendments to the electoral register to reflect the new electoral arrangements.

Article 7 revokes the County of West Sussex (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1985, with the exception of article 5.

The areas of the new electoral divisions and of the new parish wards of the parish of Rustington are demarcated on the map described in article 2. Prints of the map may be inspected at all reasonable times at the offices of West Sussex County Council and at the principal office of the Electoral Commission at Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2HW.