Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order applies an increase of 4.05% (a weighted inflationary formula of 25% RPI and 75% AEI (3.0% and 4.4% respectively in 2004) to the total of annual fees for diocesan registrars fixed by the Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 2005. The increased total is then apportioned as to each registrar’s individual fee according to a formula based on the number of parishes and stipendiary clergy in each diocese.

The Order also fixes new annual fees for the provincial registrars.

The Order provides that duties and professional services undertaken by registrars and provincial registrars in connection with the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 shall not fall within the scope of this annual fee but will be calculated in accordance with the Solicitors (Non-Contentious Business) Remuneration Order 1994.

The Order will have effect from 1st January 2006.