PART 6Arrangements for warning and provision of information and advice to the public

Advice etc. provided by other responders and other bodies

35.—(1) In performing its duty under section 2(1)(g), general Category 1 responders –

(a)must have regard to the arrangements maintained by each of the following persons to warn the public, and to provide information and advice to the public, if an emergency is likely to occur or has occurred –

(i)other Category 1 responders;

(ii)Category 2 responders;

(iii)the Meteorological Office;

(iv)the Secretary of State;

(v)the Food Standards Agency; and

(b)need not maintain arrangements to warn the public, and to provide information and advice to the public, which would unnecessarily duplicate the information, warning and advice which is likely to be provided by those persons under those arrangements.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), it is immaterial whether the person specified in paragraph (1)(a) maintains arrangements to warn the public, and to provide information and advice to the public, if an emergency is likely to occur or has occurred by virtue of section 2(1)(g), a duty under another enactment or otherwise.