Article 2


Section 4

  • Adult Learning Inspectorate.

  • Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee.

  • Advisory Board on the Registration of Homeopathic Products.

  • Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances.

  • Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards.

  • Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens.

  • Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes.

  • Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.

  • Advisory Council on Historical Manuscripts.

  • Advisory Council on National Records and Archives.

  • Advisory Council on Public Records.

  • Advisory Group on Hepatitis.

  • Advisory Panel on Beacon Councils.

  • Advisory Panel on Standards for the Planning Inspectorate.

  • Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committees.

  • Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales.

  • Agricultural wages committees.

  • Alcohol Education and Research Council.

  • Arts and Humanities Research Council.

  • Arts Council of England.

  • The Director of the Assets Recovery Agency.

  • Authorised Conveyancing Practitioners Board.

  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

  • Board of Trade.

  • Boundary Commission for England.

  • Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland.

  • Boundary Commission for Scotland.

  • Boundary Commission for Wales.

  • British Association for Central and Eastern Europe.

  • British Council.

  • British Educational Communications and Technology Agency.

  • British Film Institute.

  • British Hallmarking Council.

  • British Library Board.

  • British Museum.

  • British Pharmacopoeia Commission.

  • British Potato Council.

  • British Tourist Authority.

  • Building Regulations Advisory Committee.

  • Cabinet Office.

  • Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils.

  • Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges.

  • Central Office of Information.

  • Central Police Training and Development Authority.

  • The Certification Officer.

  • Charity Commission.

  • The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.

  • Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.

  • Civil Aviation Authority.

  • Civil Justice Council.

  • Coal Authority.

  • Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.

  • Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection.

  • Commission for the New Towns.

  • Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health.

  • Commission for Racial Equality.

  • Commission for Social Care Inspection.

  • Committee on the Biological Safety of Blood and Tissues for Transplantation.

  • Committee on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment.

  • Committee on the Medical Aspects of Air Pollutants.

  • Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment.

  • Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment.

  • Committee on the Safety of Devices.

  • Committee on the Safety of Medicines.

  • Committee on Standards in Public Life.

  • Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment.

  • Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom.

  • Community Development Foundation.

  • Competition Commission.

  • Construction Industry Training Board.

  • Consumer Council for Postal Services.

  • Countryside Agency.

  • Crown Estate Office.

  • Culture East Midlands.

  • Culture North East.

  • Culture North West.

  • Culture South East.

  • Culture South West.

  • Customs and Excise.

  • Dental Vocational Training Authority.

  • Department for Constitutional Affairs.

  • Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

  • Department for Education and Skills.

  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

  • Department of Health.

  • Department for International Development.

  • Department of Trade and Industry.

  • Department for Transport.

  • Department for Work and Pensions.

  • Design Council.

  • Disability Rights Commission.

  • Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee.

  • Economic and Social Research Council.

  • Electoral Commission.

  • Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

  • English Nature.

  • English Sports Council.

  • English Tourist Board.

  • Environment Agency.

  • Equal Opportunities Commission.

  • Expert Advisory Group on AIDS.

  • Export Credits Guarantee Department.

  • The Director of Fair Access to Higher Education.

  • Fleet Air Arm Museum.

  • Food from Britain.

  • Food Standards Agency.

  • Football Licensing Authority.

  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

  • Forestry Commission.

  • Gaming Board for Great Britain.

  • Gangmasters Licensing Authority.

  • Gas and Electricity Consumer Council.

  • Gas and Electricity Markets Authority.

  • Geffrye Museum.

  • Gene Therapy Advisory Committee.

  • General Social Care Council.

  • Genetics and Insurance Committee.

  • Government Actuary’s Department.

  • The Great Britain-China Centre.

  • Health and Safety Commission.

  • Health and Safety Executive.

  • Health Protection Agency.

  • Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

  • Her Majesty’s Treasury.

  • Higher Education Funding Council for England.

  • Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.

  • Historic Royal Palaces.

  • Home-Grown Cereals Authority.

  • Home Office.

  • Horniman Museum and Gardens.

  • Horserace Betting Levy Board.

  • Horticultural Development Council.

  • Housing Corporation.

  • Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.

  • Human Genetics Commission.

  • The Immigration Services Commissioner.

  • Imperial War Museum.

  • Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV.

  • Independent Reconfiguration Panel.

  • The Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts.

  • Independent Review Body for the Advertising of Medicines.

  • Independent Review Panel on the Classification of Borderline Medicines.

  • Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB.

  • The Information Commissioner.

  • Inland Revenue.

  • The International Rail Regulator.

  • Investors in People UK.

  • Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.

  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee.

  • Land Registry.

  • Learning and Skills Council for England.

  • Legal Services Commission.

  • The Legal Services Complaints Commissioner.

  • The following general lighthouse authorities—

    1. a

      the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond;

    2. b

      the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses.

  • Living East.

  • The Lord President of the Council’s Office.

  • Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission.

  • Meat and Livestock Commission.

  • Medical Research Council.

  • Medical Workforce Standing Advisory Committee.

  • Medicines Commission.

  • Milk Development Council.

  • Millennium Commission.

  • Ministry of Defence.

  • Museum of London.

  • Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.

  • Museums, Archives and Libraries Council.

  • National Army Museum.

  • National Biological Standards Board (UK).

  • National Community Forum.

  • National Consumer Council.

  • National Employer Advisory Board.

  • National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.

  • National Forest Company.

  • National Gallery.

  • National Health Service-wide Clearing Service.

  • National Heritage Memorial Fund.

  • National Lottery Charities Board.

  • National Lottery Commission.

  • National Maritime Museum.

  • National Museum of Science and Industry.

  • National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside.

  • National Portrait Gallery.

  • National Radiological Protection Board.

  • National Specialist Commissioning Advisory Group.

  • Natural Environment Research Council.

  • Natural History Museum.

  • New Opportunities Fund.

  • Northern Ireland Court Service.

  • Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

  • Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission.

  • Northern Ireland Office.

  • Northern Ireland Policing Board.

  • Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

  • Nutrition Forum.

  • Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority.

  • Office of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools in England.

  • Office of Communications.

  • Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

  • Office of the Director General of Water Services.

  • Office of Fair Trading.

  • Office for National Statistics.

  • Office of Rail Regulation.

  • Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies.

  • Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland.

  • The Official Solicitor to the Supreme Court.

  • Oil and Pipelines Agency.

  • Ordnance Survey.

  • Parole Board.

  • Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.

  • Patient Information Advisory Group.

  • Partnerships for Schools.

  • Pensions Compensation Board.

  • Police Information Technology Organisation.

  • Postal Services Commission.

  • Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board.

  • Probation Board for Northern Ireland.

  • The Registrar of Public Lending Right.

  • Public Record Office.

  • Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

  • Rail Passengers' Committees.

  • Rail Passengers' Council.

  • Regional development agencies (other than the London Development Agency).

  • Remploy Ltd.

  • Residuary Bodies.

  • Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art.

  • Royal Air Force Museum.

  • Royal Armouries Museum.

  • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

  • Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts.

  • Royal Marines Museum.

  • Royal Mint.

  • Royal Naval Museum.

  • Royal Navy Submarine Museum.

  • Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.

  • Sea Fish Industry Authority.

  • Sector Skills Development Agency.

  • Security Industry Authority.

  • Service Authority for the National Crime Squad.

  • Service Authority for the National Criminal Intelligence Service.

  • SITPRO Ltd.

  • Sir John Soane’s Museum.

  • Specialist Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance.

  • Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee.

  • Standards Board for England.

  • Standing Dental Advisory Committee.

  • Standing Medical Advisory Committee.

  • Standing Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee.

  • Standing Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee.

  • Statistics Commission.

  • Strategic Rail Authority.

  • Sustainable Development Commission.

  • Tate Gallery.

  • Teacher Training Agency.

  • Treasure Valuation Committee.

  • The Treasury Solicitor.

  • UK Film Council.

  • United Kingdom Advisory Panel for Healthcare Workers Infected with Blood borne Viruses.

  • United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

  • United Kingdom Sports Council.

  • United Kingdom Xenotransplantation Interim Regulatory Authority.

  • Unlinked Anonymous Surveys Steering Group.

  • Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority.

  • Urban development corporations established for urban development areas wholly in England.

  • Urban Regeneration Agency.

  • Valuation Tribunal Service.

  • Victoria and Albert Museum.

  • Wales Office.

  • Wallace Collection.

  • War pensions committees.

  • West Midlands Life.

  • Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

  • Wider Health Working Group.

  • Wine Standards Board.

  • Women’s National Commission.

  • Yorkshire Culture.

  • Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.

  • Zoos Forum.


  • General

    In relation to any function exercised on behalf of the Crown by a department or authority to which this Act applies which was previously exercisable on behalf of the Crown by a department or authority to which this Act does not apply, the reference to the department or authority to which this Act applies includes a reference to the other department or authority if the other department or authority—

    1. a

      ceased to exercise the function before the commencement of this Act; or

    2. b

      where it exercised the function after the commencement of this Act, did so only when it was a department or authority to which this Act applied.

  • Assets Recovery Agency

    In the case of the Director of the Assets Recovery Agency an investigation may be conducted only in respect of the exercise of functions vested in him by virtue of a notice served on the Commissioners of Inland Revenue under section 317(2), 321(2) or 322(2) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 20022(Inland Revenue functions).

  • Cabinet Office

    The reference to the Cabinet Office does not include any of the Secretariats, the Joint Intelligence Organisation or the office of the Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service, but includes the executive agencies of the Cabinet Office and the office of any Minister whose expenses are defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament for the service of the Cabinet Office.

  • Commission for the New Towns

    In the case of the Commission for the New Towns no investigation is to be conducted in respect of any action in connection with functions in relation to housing.

  • Department for Constitutional Affairs

    The reference to the Department for Constitutional Affairs includes the Lord Chancellor’s Department and the Public Trustee.

  • Environment Agency

    The reference to the Environment Agency is a reference to that Agency in relation to all its functions other than its flood defence functions, within the meaning of the Water Resources Act 19913; and no investigation is to be conducted in respect of any action in connection with functions of the Environment Agency in relation to Wales (within the meaning of the Government of Wales Act 19984).

  • Forestry Commission

    In the case of the Forestry Commission no investigation is to be conducted in respect of any action in connection with functions of the Forestry Commissioners in relation to Wales (within the meaning of the Government of Wales Act 1998).

  • Government Actuary’s Department

    In the case of the Government Actuary’s Department an investigation may be conducted only in respect of the giving of advice by the Government Actuary’s Department on or before 26 April 2001 relating to the exercise of functions under—

    1. a

      Part 2 of the Insurance Companies Act 19825, or

    2. b

      any other enactment relating to the regulation of insurance companies within the meaning of that Act.

  • Health Protection Agency

    In the case of the Health Protection Agency6 no investigation is to be conducted in relation to any action taken by or on behalf of that Agency in the exercise in or as regards Scotland of any function to the extent that the function is exercisable within devolved competence (within the meaning of section 54 of the Scotland Act 19987).

  • HM Treasury

    The reference to Her Majesty’s Treasury includes its subordinate departments and the office of any Minister whose expenses are defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament for the service of Her Majesty’s Treasury.

  • Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond

    In the case of the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond an investigation may be conducted only in respect of action in connection with its functions as a general lighthouse authority.

  • Lord President of the Council’s Office

    The reference to the Lord President of the Council’s Office does not include the Privy Council Office.

  • Ministry of Defence

    The reference to the Ministry of Defence includes the Defence Council, the Admiralty Board, the Army Board and the Air Force Board.

  • Treasury Solicitor

    The reference to the Treasury Solicitor does not include a reference to Her Majesty’s Procurator General.

  • Urban Development Corporation

    In the case of an urban development corporation no investigation is to be conducted in respect of any action in connection with functions in relation to town and country planning.

  • Urban Regeneration Agency

    In the case of the Urban Regeneration Agency no investigation is to be conducted in respect of any action in connection with functions in relation to town and country planning.