In the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) (Wales) Regulations 2002 (Rheoliadau Organeddau A Addaswyd Yn Enetig (Eu Gollwng Yn Fwriadol) (Cymru) 2000) 33 in regulation 16 (exempt activities) (gweithgareddau esempt),in paragraph (e), in the English text, after “Commission Regulation ECNo. 649/98”, insert “or Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council laying down Community procedures for the authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use and establishing a European Medicines Agency” and in the Welsh text, after “Reoliad y Comisiwn EC Rhif 649/98” insert “neu Reoliad (EC) Rhif 726/2004 Senedd Ewrop a'r Cyngor sy'n gosod gweithdrefnau'r Gymuned ar gyfer awdurdodi a goruchwylio cynhyrchion meddyginiaethol at ddefnydd pobl ac anifeiliaid a sefydlu Asiantaeth Meddyginiaethau Ewrop”.