Article 7


PART 1General tracing requirements for movements of animals in England

Register and movement document for animals leaving the holding of birth or import

1.—(1) When an animal is moved from the holding of birth or holding of import to another holding in the United Kingdom, the keeper must enter the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd of birth or import in his register and in the movement document.

(2) When the animal is moved on to a holding from its holding of birth or holding of import, the keeper at the recipient holding must enter the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of its flock or herd of birth or import in his register.

Movement tags

2.—(1) When an animal is moved from a holding (other than the holding of birth or holding of import) to another holding in the United Kingdom, the keeper must attach a movement tag to it and enter the movement tag code in his register and in the movement document.

(2) When an animal marked with a movement tag in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) is moved on to another holding, the keeper at the recipient holding must enter the movement tag code in his register.

(3) If an animal is already marked with 3 eartags applied under—

(a)the Council Regulation;

(b)this Order or any provisions that give effect to the Council Regulation in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland;

(c)any of the previous Orders; or

(d)Council Directive 92/102/EEC, in the case of an animal marked in another member State in accordance with that Directive,

the keeper must not attach a movement tag to the animal but must instead comply with paragraph 3.

(4) If an animal marked with an eartag applied under this Order, the Council Regulation or any of the previous Orders relating to a flock or herd, is moved back into that flock or herd, the keeper must not attach a movement tag to it when it is moved again from the holding where that flock or herd is kept but instead enter in the register and in the movement document the number on the eartag relating to that flock or herd.

Alternative tracing system for animals

3.—(1) When an animal is moved from a holding to another holding in the United Kingdom, the keeper may enter the individual identification code of the animal in the register at that holding and in the movement document as an alternative to attaching a movement tag.

(2) In this case, when an animal is moved on to a holding, the keeper at the recipient holding must enter the individual identification code of the animal in his register.

PART 2Special requirements for specific movements

Special cases

4.  This Part has effect instead of the provisions of Part 1 in respect of the movements referred to in paragraphs 5 to 17.

Identification tags

5.—(1) When an unidentified animal is first moved from the holding on which it resides at the date this Order comes into force, the keeper must attach an eartag to it with the following code, printed in the following order—

(a)the letter “S” or the letters “UK”, if the holding on which the animal resides is the holding of birth or holding of import, or the letter “S”, if it is any other holding;

(b)the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd the animal is leaving;

(c)a unique number; and

(d)in the case of an animal imported from a third country, the letter “F”.

(2) All references in this Part to the movement of an animal from the holding of identification shall be construed as references to the movement of an unidentified animal for the first time from the holding on which it resides at the date this Order comes into force in accordance with this paragraph.

(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, “unidentified animal” means an animal born on or before 9th July 2005 that is not marked with an eartag or tattoo applied under any of the previous Orders that identifies it individually.

Movement from the holding of identification

6.—(1) The following provisions apply, in addition to the requirements of paragraph 5, when an animal is moved from the holding of identification.

(2) When an animal is moved from the holding of identification to a show or exhibition, the register and movement document requirements of paragraph 7 shall apply.

(3) When an animal is consigned from the holding of identification to another member State, the keeper must—

(a)attach a second identification tag to the animal with a code identical to the first and enter the code on the identification tags in his register and in the movement document; or

(b)attach an X tag to the animal, cross-refer the X tag code to the identification tag code in his register and enter the X tag code in the movement document.

(4) When an animal is moved from the holding of identification to common land or to another holding for the purposes of dipping or shearing and returned directly to the holding of identification, paragraph 9 shall apply.

(5) When an animal is moved from the holding of identification to temporary grazing and returned directly to the holding of identification, paragraph 10 shall apply.

(6) When an animal is moved from the holding of identification to any other holding, the keeper must enter the information referred to in paragraph 5(1)(a) and 5(1)(b) and in his register and in the movement document and the keeper at the recipient holding must enter the same information in his register when he receives the animal.

Movements to and from shows and exhibitions

7.—(1) When an animal is moved from any holding to a show or exhibition in the United Kingdom, the keeper must enter the individual identification code of that animal in his register and in the movement document.

(2) When the animal arrives at the show or exhibition, the show or exhibition organiser must enter its individual identification code in his register.

(3) When the animal leaves the show or exhibition, the show or exhibition organiser must enter its individual identification code in his register and in the movement document.

(4) When the animal arrives at a holding from the show or exhibition, the keeper at the recipient holding must enter its individual identification code in his register.

Movements from a market to another holding

8.—(1) When an animal is moved from a market, other than to a show or exhibition, the market operator must enter the following information in the register at the market and in the movement document—

(a)the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd of birth or import, in the case of an animal sent to the market from the holding of birth or holding of import;

(b)the letters “UK” or the letter “S”, as applied to the identification tag, and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd from which the animal was sent to the market, in the case of an animal sent to the market from the holding of identification; or

(c)the code on the movement tag attached to the animal by the keeper who sent it to the market or the individual identification code of the animal if that keeper entered its individual identification code, instead of attaching a movement tag, in the case of an animal sent to the market from any other holding.

(2) When an animal arrives at a holding from a market, the keeper at the recipient holding must enter the information referred to in sub-paragraph (1) in his register.

(3) When an animal is moved from a market to a show or exhibition, paragraph 7 shall apply.

Movements to and from common land, or for dipping or shearing

9.—(1) This paragraph applies to the movement of an animal from a holding—

(a)to common land; or

(b)for the purposes of dipping or shearing, other than to a show for a shearing trial,

and returned directly to the original holding.

(2) In the case of an animal moved from the holding of birth or holding of import to common land or for dipping or shearing, the keeper must enter the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd of birth or import in—

(a)his register when the animal leaves the holding and when it returns;

(b)the movement document that accompanies the animal when it leaves that holding; and

(c)the movement document that accompanies the animal when it returns to that holding.

(3) In the case of an animal moved to common land or for dipping or shearing from the holding of identification, the keeper must enter the information in paragraphs 5(1)(a) and 5(1)(b) in—

(a)his register when the animal leaves the holding and when it returns;

(b)the movement document that accompanies the animal when it leaves the holding of identification; and

(c)the movement document that accompanies the animal when it returns to the holding of identification.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraph (5), in the case of an animal moved from any other holding to common land or for dipping or shearing, the keeper must—

(a)attach a movement tag to the animal when it leaves the holding;

(b)enter the movement tag code in his register when the animal leaves the holding and when it returns;

(c)enter the movement tag code in the movement document that accompanies the animal when it leaves the holding; and

(d)enter the movement tag code in the movement document that accompanies the animal when it returns from common land or dipping or shearing to the original holding.

(5) The keeper need not attach a movement tag to an animal in accordance with sub-paragraph (4), provided that he enters the individual identification code of the animal in his register and in the movement documents, instead of the movement tag code.

(6) For the purposes of this paragraph—

(a)“common land” means land over which the keeper has a registered right of common;

(b)“registered right of common” means a right of common registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965(1) or a right of common which is exempt from such registration but which is registered, designated, attached, or otherwise recognised, continued or preserved under and in accordance with any of the New Forest Acts 1854, 1949, 1964 and 1970(2), the Epping Forest Acts 1878 and 1880(3) or the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1977(4) or any like right or permission exercised in the Forest of Dean.

Movements between temporary grazing and the holding of birth, import or identification

10.—(1) When a keeper moves an animal from the holding of birth or the holding of import to temporary grazing and returns that animal from temporary grazing directly to the holding of birth or import, he must enter the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd of birth or import in—

(a)his register when the animal leaves the holding of birth or holding of import and when it returns;

(b)the movement document that accompanies the animal when it moves to temporary grazing; and

(c)in the movement document that accompanies the animal when it returns from temporary grazing to the holding of birth or holding of import, unless the animal is tended by a different keeper at temporary grazing, in which case that keeper must complete the movement document in accordance with sub-paragraph (3)(b).

(2) In the case of an animal that is moved to temporary grazing from the holding of identification, the keeper must enter the letter “S” or the letters “UK”, as applied to the identification tag, and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd the animal is leaving to go to temporary grazing, instead of the information in sub-paragraph (1).

(3) In addition to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), if the animal is tended by a different keeper at temporary grazing, that keeper must—

(a)enter the letters “UK” and the flockmark or herdmark of the flock or herd of the animal’s birth or import in his register when the animal arrives there and when it leaves, or in the case of an animal sent to temporary grazing from the holding of identification, enter the information in sub-paragraph (2) in his register; and

(b)complete the movement document with this information when the animal leaves temporary grazing to return to the holding of birth or holding of import.

Movements between temporary grazing and any other holding

11.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), when a keeper moves an animal from any holding (other than the holding of birth, holding of import or holding of identification) to temporary grazing and returns that animal from temporary grazing directly to the holding, he must—

(a)attach a movement tag to that animal when it leaves the holding;

(b)enter the movement tag code in his register when the animal leaves and when it returns;

(c)enter the movement tag code in the movement document that accompanies the animal when it leaves the holding; and

(d)enter the movement tag code in the movement document that accompanies the animal when it returns from temporary grazing to the holding, unless the animal is tended by a different keeper at temporary grazing, in which case that keeper must complete the movement document in accordance with sub-paragraph 3(b).

(2) The keeper need not attach a movement tag to an animal in accordance with sub-paragraph (1)(a), provided that he enters the individual identification code of the animal in the register and in the movement documents instead of the movement tag code.

(3) In addition to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), if the animal is tended by a different keeper at temporary grazing, that keeper must—

(a)enter in his register the movement tag code attached by the keeper who sent the animal to temporary grazing when the animal arrives and when it leaves, or, the individual identification code, if the keeper who sent the animal entered this code in his register instead of attaching a movement tag; and

(b)complete the movement document with the same information when the animal leaves temporary grazing to return to the original holding.

Movements to and from a veterinary clinic

12.  When an animal is—

(a)moved from a holding to a veterinary clinic; and

(b)returned directly to that holding from the veterinary clinic,

the keeper must complete his register with the information required by Article 5 of the Council Regulation when the animal leaves the holding and also when it arrives back at the holding.

Movement of a ram intended for breeding

13.—(1) When, in accordance with the Disease Control (England) Order 2003, premises are under movement restrictions, and a ram is moved from those premises to a market during the standstill period under the exemption in paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to that Order, the keeper at those premises must enter the individual identification code of that ram in his register and in the movement document.

(2) When the ram arrives at the market, the market operator must enter its individual identification code in his register.

(3) When the ram is moved from the market, the market operator must enter its individual identification code in his register and in the movement document.

(4) When the ram arrives at the premises to which it has been consigned from the market, the keeper at those premises must enter the individual identification number of the ram in his register when the ram arrives at those premises.

(5) If the ram is returned to the original premises from the market in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Disease Control (England) Order 2003, the keeper at the original premises must enter the ram’s individual identification code in his register.

Arrival of a ram on a premises for breeding

14.  When a ram is moved on to premises for the purposes of breeding in accordance with the exemption in paragraph 7 of Schedule 2 to the Disease Control (England) Order 2003, the keeper at those premises must enter the ram’s individual identification code in his register.

Movement of a goat intended for breeding

15.  When a goat is sent from one premises to another for breeding, and has been held in isolation on the premises of departure in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 2 to the Disease Control (England) Order 2003 in order to avoid triggering a standstill on the premises of arrival—

(a)the keeper at the premises of departure must enter the individual identification code of the goat in his register and the movement document when the goat leaves the premises;

(b)the keeper at the premises of arrival must enter the individual identification code of the goat in his register;

(c)when the goat returns to the original premises, the keeper at the premises where the animal was sent for breeding must enter the individual identification code in his register and the movement document; and

(d)when the animal returns to the original premises the keeper at those premises must enter the individual identification code in his register.

Movements to another member State through an assembly centre

16.—(1) This paragraph applies to the consignment of an animal for intra-Community trade through an assembly centre.

(2) If an animal is consigned to a holding with the intention of forwarding it to an assembly centre for the purposes of intra-Community trade, the keeper at that holding must enter the individual identification code of the animal in his register.

(3) When the animal leaves the holding to go to the assembly centre, the keeper must enter the individual identification number of the animal in his register and in the movement document.

(4) When the animal arrives at the assembly centre, the keeper at the assembly centre must enter the individual identification code of the animal in his register.

(5) Subject to sub-paragraph (6), when the animal is moved from the assembly centre for direct consignment to another member State, the keeper at the assembly centre must—

(a)attach a second eartag or an electronic transponder to the animal bearing its individual identification code; and

(b)enter the individual identification code in his register and in the movement document.

(6) Sub-paragraph (5) does not apply if the keeper—

(a)attaches an X tag to the animal before it leaves the assembly centre;

(b)cross-refers in his register the X tag code with the individual identification code of the animal; and

(c)enters the X tag code in the movement document.

(7) Electronic transponders attached or applied to an animal under this paragraph must conform to the requirements of Section A.4 of the Annex to the Council Regulation.

Movements to another member State (other than through an assembly centre)

17.—(1) This paragraph applies to the consignment of an animal to another member State other than through an assembly centre.

(2) If an animal is consigned to a holding, other than an assembly centre, with the intention of consigning it to another member State, the keeper at that holding must enter the individual identification code of the animal in his register.

(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (4), when the animal is moved from that holding directly to another member State, the keeper must—

(a)attach a second eartag or electronic transponder to the animal bearing its individual identification code; and

(b)enter the individual identification code in his register and in the movement document.

(4) Sub-paragraph (3) does not apply if the keeper—

(a)attaches an X tag to the animal before it leaves the assembly centre;

(b)cross-refers in his register the X tag code with the individual identification code of the animal; and

(c)enters the X tag code in the movement document.

(5) Electronic transponders attached or applied to an animal under this paragraph must conform to the requirements of Section A.4 of the Annex to the Council Regulation.