
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order provides that, with effect from 30th December 2005, appeals against decisions made in proceedings relating to adoption, including the exercise of the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to minors, and in proceedings for the purpose of enforcing an order made in such proceedings, shall lie as follows—

(a)appeals from decisions made by a district judge of a county court will lie to a judge of that court (article 3); and

(b)appeals from decisions made by—

(i)a district judge of the High Court,

(ii)a district judge of the principal registry of the Family Division,

(iii)a costs judge, or

(iv)any person appointed to act as a deputy for any person holding the offices referred to in sub-paragraphs (i) to (iii) or to act as a temporary additional officer in any such office

will lie to a judge of the High Court (article 2).

By virtue of article 4, any appeal in which the appeal notice was lodged before 30th December 2005, shall lie to the same court that it would have lain to before 30th December 2005.