Articles 9, 10, 11 and 12

PART 1New Paths or Streets




New path or street

Districts of Huntingdonshire, South Cambridgeshire and City of Cambridge

Bridleway along the route of the emergency and maintenance access track comprised in Works Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, between NP1 and NP2.

District of South Cambridgeshire

Footpath between NP5 and NP6.

District of South Cambridgeshire and City of Cambridge

Cycletrack along the route of the emergency and maintenance access track comprised in Work No. 11, between NP13 and NP14.

Footpath/cycletrack between NP11 and NP12.

City of Cambridge

Cycletrack along the route of the emergency and maintenance access track comprised in Works Nos. 14 and 16 and ancillary works, between NP15 and NP16.

Cycletrack along the route of the emergency and maintenance access track comprised in Work No.15, between NP17 and NP18.

PART 2Paths or Streets for which Substitutes are to be Provided




Path or street to be stopped up

Extent of stopping up

New path or street to be substituted

District of Huntingdonshire

Prospective footpath

[Second Drove]

Between PS1 and PS2

Footpath between NP3 and NP4.

District of South Cambridgeshire

Bridleway B7, Fen Drayton

Between PS3 and PS4

Bridleway between NP7 and NP8.

Byway (B.O.A.T. 4), Rampton

Between PS5 and PS6

Bridleway between NP9 and NP10.

Byway (B.O.A.T. 7), Longstanton

Between PS6 and PS7

Bridleway between NP9 and NP10.

City of Cambridge

Footpath 47

Between PS8 and PS9

TD8 to TD9—temporary diversion.

Footpath/cycletrack between NP17 and NP18.

Footpath 47

Between PS10 and PS11

TD10 to TD11—temporary diversion.

Footpath/cycletrack between NP17 and NP18.

PART 3Paths or Streets for which no Substitutes will be Provided



Path or street affected

Extent of stopping up

Districts of Huntingdonshire, South Cambridgeshire and City of Cambridge

Informal path

Between IPPS1 and IPPS2.