Transitional provision

4.—(1) Where—

(a)a beneficiary was, before the operative date, in receipt of a lesser incapacity allowance, and

(b)the final calculation of loss of earnings required by article 7(2) of the principal Scheme had not been made in respect of him by that date,

the beneficiary shall be treated as entitled, from the operative date, to an allowance at the same rate as if the final calculation had been made before that date.

(2) Where—

(a)a claim for lesser incapacity allowance either—

(i)was not made before the operative date and the allowance is awarded for a period beginning on or after the operative date at one of the rates shown in the second column of Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the principal Scheme (as amended by this Scheme); or

(ii)was made but not determined before the operative date; and

(b)such allowance is found to be payable in respect of a period before the operative date;

the rate payable in respect of the period before the operative date shall be that which would have been payable had the amendment to the principal Scheme effected by article 3 of this Scheme not been made.

(3) Where a lesser incapacity allowance has been awarded before the operative date and a question arises as to the weekly rate payable in consequence of this Scheme, the case shall be reconsidered in the light of the amendments made by, and transitional provisions contained in, this Scheme and the allowance shall continue to be payable at the weekly rate specified in the award until the question has been determined in accordance with the provisions of the principal Scheme.