Revocation and saving

13.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Tax Credit (Approval of Home Child Care Providers) Scheme 2003(1) (hereinafter referred to as “the 2003 Scheme”) is hereby revoked.

(2) The provisions of the 2003 Scheme shall continue to have effect to the extent necessary to give full effect to paragraph (3).

(3) Any approval granted to any child care provider under the 2003 Scheme and which is in force on 6th April 2005 shall continue to have effect in respect of that provider under that Scheme until whichever is the earliest of–

(a)the date on which the approval is withdrawn or suspended in accordance with the 2003 Scheme;

(b)the date on which the child care provider concerned is given an approval by the approval body pursuant to article 6 of this Scheme; or

(c)31st December 2005.


S.I. 2003/463.