PART 3 Measures on suspicion of avian influenza
9.Notification procedures and precautions to be taken where avian influenza is suspected
10.Notice of restrictions where avian influenza is suspected on premises
11.Derogations from restrictions applicable at suspect premises
13.Measures to minimise the risk of the spread of avian influenza from suspect premises
14.Restrictions where avian influenza is suspected in transit
17.Declaration of a temporary control zone around the suspect premises
19.Restrictions on confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza
28.Declaration of protection, surveillance and restricted zones
32.Restrictions on trade in things from areas where measures have been disapplied
33.Alternative measures where avian influenza is confirmed at a hatchery or in other captive birds on special category premises
35.Additional measures in protection, surveillance and restricted zones
38.Veterinary measures where avian influenza is suspected or confirmed in vehicles
39.Killing of birds in slaughterhouses where disease is suspected or confirmed
40.Poultry meat and by-products in slaughterhouses where disease is suspected or confirmed
42.Measures if avian influenza is suspected or confirmed in a vehicle
43.Cleansing and disinfection of regulated places and vehicles
PART 6 Measures on confirmation of low pathogenic avian influenza
PART 8 General measures on suspicion or confirmation of avian influenza
PART 9 Inspection, enforcement, offences, amendments and revocations
Measures where avian influenza or avian influenza virus is suspected on premises
3.Prohibition on movement of poultry and other captive birds to and from the premises
4.Prohibition on the removal of other things liable to transmit avian influenza
5.Prohibition on movement of people, animals and vehicles to and from the premises
7.Measures where avian influenza or avian influenza virus is suspected on premises
8.Measures where avian influenza or avian influenza virus is suspected on premises
Measures on premises where highly pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed
Part 1 General procedures for cleansing, disinfection and treatment
1.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
2.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
3.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
4.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
5.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
6.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
7.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
Part 2 Specific procedures for the cleansing and disinfecting of infected premises
8.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
10.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
11.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
13.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
Part 3 Disinfection of contaminated litter, manure and slurry
14.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
15.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
16.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
17.Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises
1.Record keeping and duty to inform the Secretary of State of birds' change in health
8.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and mammals onto and off premises
14.Restrictions on the movement of birds, eggs, poultry meat and carcases
17.Requirements for the movement of poultry from premises in the zone for immediate slaughter at a slaughterhouse
18.Requirements for the movement of poultry meat from poultry sent to a designated slaughterhouse from premises within the zone
19.Requirements for the movement of poultry to a designated slaughterhouse within the zone from premises outside the zone
20.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs produced in the zone or from eggs which had contact with such eggs
21.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs originating outside the zone
23.Requirements for the movement of hatching eggs from the zone to a designated hatchery or a designated laboratory or institute for use for scientific, diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes
24.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to a packing centre
Measures in Surveillance Zones
1.Record keeping and duty to inform the Secretary of State of birds' change in health
6.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and mammals onto and off premises
11.Restrictions on the movement of poultry and eggs within the zone
15.Restrictions on the movement of poultry and eggs out of the zone
17.Requirements for the movement of poultry from premises in the zone for immediate slaughter at a designated slaughterhouse
18.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs produced within the surveillance zone or from eggs which have had contact with such eggs
19.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs originating outside the protection and surveillance zones
20.Requirements for the movement of hatching eggs from the zone to a designated hatchery, or to a designated laboratory or institute for use for scientific, diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes
21.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to a packing centre
22.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to premises for the manufacture of egg products
Measures when low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed
PART 1 Measures on premises where low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed