The Measuring Instruments (Liquid Fuel delivered from Road Tankers) Regulations 2006 (revoked)


Requirements for use for tradeU.K.

14.  No person shall use for trade a meter measuring system unless—

(a)it is compliant with the essential requirements other than the provisions relating to maximum permissible errors referred to in paragraph 16 of Schedule 1;

(b)it has been erected and installed so as to facilitate testing;

(c)it operates within the maximum permissible errors set out in regulation 15; and

(d)the requirements of regulations 16 and 17 are complied with.

Maximum permissible errorU.K.

15.—(1) An instrument which falls within an accuracy class of 0.3, 0.5 or 1.0 shall, when used to measure a quantity set out in column 1 of the following Table, operate within the maximum permissible error as set out in column 2, 3 or 4 of that Table for that class and that quantity.

(2) In that Table, MMQ has the same meaning as minimum measured quantity.


 Accuracy Class
Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
Quantity deliveredMaximum permissible errorMaximum permissible errorMaximum permissible error
MMQ to and including MMQ x 2± 0.6% x MMQ± 1% x MMQ± 2% x MMQ
>MMQ x 2± 0.3% x quantity delivered± 0.5% x quantity delivered± 1% x quantity delivered

Manner of useU.K.

16.—(1) Where a meter measuring system is marked with—

(a)a temperature range, it shall not be used for trade in temperatures outside that range;

(b)a flowrate range, it shall not be used for trade at a flowrate outside that range.

(2) A meter measuring system which bears a mark which signifies the manner and purpose of use, shall not be used for trade in a manner or for a purpose which does not accord with that marking.

(3) If a meter measuring system is adjusted, the instrument shall not be used for trade unless the calibration of the instrument is set as close to zero error as is practicable.

(4) A meter measuring system shall not be used for trade unless it is fitted with a ticket printing mechanism which provides an individual printed ticket.

(5) A meter measuring system shall not be used for trade unless the sales indicator—

(a)is set to zero before measurement of the liquid fuel commences;

(b)remains at zero until that fuel starts to emerge from the instrument;

(c)is not reset to zero during measurement of that fuel; and

(d)cannot be advanced by any means other than by the discharge of that fuel from the instrument and the proper operation of the instrument.

(6) Where the tank containing the liquid fuel to be delivered consists of more than one compartment, that fuel shall not be transferred from one compartment to another when that fuel is being measured.

(7) A meter measuring system shall not be used for trade in circumstances—

(a)which are likely prematurely to degrade its metrological characteristics; or

(b)in which it may be prevented from operating consistently or accurately.

Minimum measured quantityU.K.

17.—(1) A meter measuring system shall not be used for trade to measure quantities of liquid fuel delivered from a road tanker that are less than the minimum measured quantity but this paragraph shall not apply where—

(a)a measurement is made to determine payments in respect of any customs or excise duty; or

(b)a frustrated delivery has taken place and all reasonable precautions have been taken and all due diligence has been exercised to avoid a frustrated delivery.

(2) In paragraph (1)(b), “frustrated delivery” means a delivery of liquid fuel from a road tanker which cannot be completed because—

(a)there is insufficient space in the buyer's storage tank;

(b)continuing the delivery would result in contamination of the liquid fuel or the mixing of different types of liquid fuel; or

(c)a component of the meter measuring system breaks down.