
In this Schedule—

  • “climatic environments” means the conditions in which measuring instruments may be used ;

  • “critical change value” means the value at which the change in the measurement result is considered undesirable;

  • “disturbance” means an influence quantity having a value within the limits specified in the appropriate requirement but outside the specified rated operating conditions of the measuring instrument. An influence quantity is a disturbance if for that influence quantity the rated operating conditions are not specified;

  • “influence quantity” means a quantity that is not the measurand but that affects the result of measurement;

  • “material measure” means a device intended to reproduce or supply in a permanent manner during its use one or more known values of a given quantity;

  • “measurand” means the particular quantity subject to measurement;

  • “rated operating conditions” means the values for the measurand and influence quantities making up the normal working conditions of an instrument;

  • “direct sale” means a trading transaction if—

    1. a

      the measurement result serves as the basis for the price to pay; and

    2. b

      at least one of the parties involved in the transaction related to measurement is a consumer or any other party requiring a similar level of protection and;

    3. c

      all the parties in the transaction accept the measurement result at that time and place; and

  • “utility” means a supplier of electricity, gas, heat or water.