Part CMeasuring System for the Continuous and Dynamic Measurement of Quantities of Liquids other than Water
In this Part C—
“associated measuring instrument” means an instrument connected to the calculator for measuring certain quantities which are characteristic of the liquid, with a view to making a correction and/or conversion;
“base conditions” means the specified conditions to which the measured quantity of liquid at metering conditions is converted;
“calculator” means a part of a meter that receives the output signals from the measurement transducer(s) and possibly, from associated measuring instruments and displays the measurement results;
“conversion device” means a part of the calculator which by taking account of the characteristics of the liquid (e.g. temperature, density) measured using associated measuring instruments, or stored in a memory, automatically converts—
the volume of the liquid measured at metering conditions into a volume at base conditions and/or into mass, or
the mass of the liquid measured at metering conditions into a volume at metering conditions and/or into a volume at base conditions;
Note: A conversion device includes the relevant associated measuring instrument.
“direct indication” means the indication, either volume or mass, corresponding to the measure and that the meter is physically capable of measuring;
Note: The direct indication may be converted into another quantity using a conversion device.
“flowrate range” means the range between the minimum flowrate (Qmin ) and maximum flowrate (Qmax);
“fuel dispenser” means a measuring system intended for the refuelling of motor vehicles, small boats and small aircraft;
“interruptible/non interruptible” means the liquid flow can/cannot be stopped easily and rapidly;
“measuring system” means a system that comprises the meter itself and all devices required to ensure correct measurement or intended to facilitate the measuring operations;
“meter” means an instrument designed to measure continuously, memorise and display the quantity at metering conditions of liquid flowing through the measurement transducer in a closed, fully charged conduit;
“minimum measured quantity (MMQ)” means the smallest quantity of liquid for which the measurement is metrologically acceptable for the measuring system;
“self-service arrangement” means an arrangement that allows the customer to use a measuring system for the purposes of obtaining liquid for his own use;
“self-service device” means a specific device that is part of a self-service arrangement and which allows one or more measuring systems to perform in this self-service arrangement.