Part DU.K.Automatic Weighing Instruments

43.  The relevant requirements of Part 1 and the specific requirements of this Part apply to the automatic weighing instruments set out below, intended to determine the mass of a body by using the action of gravity on that body.U.K.

Rated Operating ConditionsU.K.

44.  The manufacturer shall specify the rated operating conditions for the instrument as follows—

(a)For the measurand—

The measuring range in terms of its maximum and minimum capacity.

(b)For the electrical supply influence quantities—

(i)in case of AC voltage supply: the nominal AC voltage supply, or the AC voltage limits;

(ii)in case of DC voltage supply: the nominal and minimum DC voltage supply, or the DC voltage limits.

(c)For the mechanical and climatic influence quantities—

(i)the minimum temperature range is 30°C unless specified otherwise in this Part.

(ii)the mechanical environment classes according to Part 1, paragraph 3(5)(b) are not applicable. For instruments which are used under special mechanical strain, e.g. instruments incorporated into vehicles, the manufacturer shall define the mechanical conditions of use.

(d)For other influence quantities (if applicable)—

(i)the rate(s) of operation;

(ii)the characteristics of the product(s) to be weighed.


45.—(1) Means shall be provided to limit the effects of tilt, loading and rate of operation such that maximum permissible errors (MPEs) are not exceeded in normal operation.

(2) Adequate material handling facilities shall be provided to enable the instrument to respect the MPEs during normal operation.

(3) Any operation control interface shall be clear and effective.

(4) The integrity of the display (where present) shall be verifiable by the operator.

(5) Adequate zero setting capability shall be provided to enable the instrument to respect the MPEs during normal operation.

(6) Any result outside the measurement range shall be identified as such, where a printout is possible.

Automatic CatchweighersU.K.

46.—(1) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 44 and 45, the following specific requirements shall apply in relation to automatic catchweighers.

(2) Definitions—

weight labeller” means an automatic catchweigher that labels individual articles with the weight value;

weight/price labeller” means an automatic catchweigher that labels individual articles with the weight value, and price information.

(3) Accuracy Classes

(a)Instruments are divided into primary categories designated by X or Y as specified by the manufacturer.

(b)These categories are divided into four accuracy classes—

(i)XI, XII, XIII and XIV and

(ii)Y(I), Y(II), Y(a) and Y(b)

which shall be specified by the manufacturer.

(c)Category X applies to instruments used to check pre-packages made up in accordance with the requirements of Council Directive 75/106/EEC of 19 December 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the member States relating to the making-up by volume of certain pre-packaged liquids M1 and of Council Directive 76/211/EEC of 20th January 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the member States relating to the making-up by weight or by volume of certain pre-packaged products M2 applicable to pre-packages.

(d)The accuracy classes are supplemented by a factor (x) that qualifies the maximum permissible standard deviation as specified in sub-paragraph (3)(b).

(e)The manufacturer shall specify the factor (x), where (x) shall be ≤ 2 and in the form 1 × 10k, 2 × 10k or 5 × 10k, where k is a negative whole number or zero.

(f)Category Y applies to all other automatic catchweighers.

(4) MPE

(a)Mean error Category X and MPE Category Y Instruments

Table 7
Net Load (m) in verification scale intervals (c)Maximum permissible mean errorMaximum permissible error
0 < m ≤ 50 0000 < m ≤ 5 0000 < m ≤ 5000 < m ≤ 50± 0.5 e±1 e
50 000 < m ≤ 200 0005 000 < m ≤ 20 000500 < m ≤ 2 00050 < m ≤ 200± 1.0 e±1.5 e
200 000 < m20 000 < m ≤ 100 0002 000 < m ≤ 10 000200 < m ≤ 1 000± 1.5 e± 2 e

(b)Standard deviation—

Maximum permissible value for the standard deviation of a class X (x) instrument is the result of the multiplication of the factor (x) by the value in Table 8 below.

Table 8
Net Load (m)Maximum permissible standard deviation for class X(1)
m ≤ 50g0.48%
50 g < m ≤ 100 g0.24 g
100 g < m ≤ 200 g0.24 %
200 g < m ≤ 300 g0.48 g
300 g < m ≤ 500 g0.16 %
500g < m ≤ 1 000 g0.8 g
1 000 g < m ≤ 10 000 g0.08 %
10 000 g < m ≤ 15 000 g8 g
15 000 g < m0.053 %

For class XI and XII (x) shall be less than 1.

For class XIII (x) shall be not greater than 1.

For class XIV (x) shall be greater than 1.

(c)Verification scale interval – single interval instruments

Table 9
Accuracy classesVerification scale intervalNumber of verification scale intervals n= Max/e
XIY(I)0.001 g ≤ e50 000

0.001 g ≤ e ≤0.05 g

100100 000
0.1 g ≤ e5 000100 000
XIIIY(a)0.1 g ≤ e ≤ 2 g10010 000
5 g ≤ e50010 000
XIVY(b)5 g ≤ e1001 000

(d)Verification scale interval – multi-interval instruments

Table 10

1 For i = r the corresponding column of Table 9 applies with e replaced by er.

Accuracy classesVerification scale intervalNumber of verification scale intervals n=Max/e
  Minimum value1 n = Maxi/e (i+1)Maximum n=Maxi/ei
XIY(I)0.001 g ≤ ei50 000

0.001 g ≤ei≤0.05 g

5 000100 000
0.1 g ≤ ei5 000100 000
XIIIY(a)0.1 g ≤ ei50010 000
XIVY(b)5 g ≤ ei501 000


(i)i= 1, 2, ...r

(ii)i = partial weighing range

(iii)r = total number of partial ranges

(5) Measurement Range

In specifying the measurement range for class Y instruments the manufacturer shall take account that the minimum capacity shall not be less than:

(a)class Y(I): 100 e

(b)class Y(II): 20 e for 0.001 g ≤ e ≤ 0.05 g, and 50 e for 0.1 g ≤ e

(c)class Y(a): 20 e

(d)class Y(b): 10 e

(e)Scales used for grading, e.g. postal scales and garbage weighers: 5 e

(6) Dynamic setting

(a)The dynamic setting facility shall operate within a load range specified by the manufacturer.

(b)When fitted, a dynamic setting facility that compensates for the dynamic effects of the load in motion shall be inhibited from operating outside the load range, and shall be capable of being secured.

(7) Performance under influence factors and electromagnetic disturbances

(a)The MPEs due to influence factors are—

(i)For category X instruments—

(aa)for automatic operation, as specified in Tables 7 and 8;

(bb)for static weighing in non-automatic operation, as specified in Table 7.

(ii)For category Y instruments—

(aa)for each load in automatic operation, as specified in Table 7;

(bb)for static weighing in non-automatic operation, as specified in category X in Table 7.

(b)The critical change value due to a disturbance is one verification scale interval.

(c)Temperature range

(i)For class XI and Y(I) the minimum range is 5° C.

(ii)For class XII and Y(II) the minimum range is 15° C.

Marginal Citations

M1OJ L 42, 15.2.75, p.1. Directive as last amended by Directive 89/676/EEC (O) L 398, 30.12.89, p. 18).

M2OJ L 46, 21.2.76, p.1. Directive as last amended by the EEA Agreement.

Automatic gravimetric filling instrumentsU.K.

47.—(1) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 44 and 45, the following specific requirements shall apply in relation to automatic gravimetric filling instruments.

(2) Accuracy classes

(a)The manufacturer shall specify both the reference accuracy class Ref(x), and the operational accuracy class(es) X(x).

(b)An instrument type is designated a reference accuracy class Ref(x), corresponding to the best possible accuracy for instruments of the type. After installation, individual automatic gravimetric filling instruments are designed for one or more operational accuracy classes, X(x), having taken account of the specific products to be weighed. The class designation factor (x) shall be ≤ 2, and in the form 1 × 10k, 2 × 10k or 5 × 10k where k is a negative whole number or zero.

(c)The reference accuracy class, Ref(x) is applicable for static loads.

(d)For the operational accuracy class X(x), X is a regime relating accuracy to load weight and (x) is a multiplier for the limits of error specified for class X(1) in sub-paragraph 3(b)

(3) MPE

(a)Static weighing error

(i)For static loads under rated operating conditions, the MPE for reference accuracy class Ref(x), shall be 0.312 of the maximum permissible deviation of each fill from the average: as specified in Table 11; multiplied by the class designation factor (x).

(ii)For instruments where the fill may be made up from more than one load (e.g. cumulative or selective combination weighers) the MPE for static loads shall be the accuracy required for the fill as specified in sub-paragraph (3)(b) (i.e. not the sum of the maximum permissible deviation for the individual loads).

(b)Deviation from average fill

Table 11
Value of the mass of the fills (m) in gramsMaximum permissible deviation of each fill from the average for class X(1)
m ≤ 507.2%
50 < m ≤ 1003.6 grams
100 < m ≤ 2003.6 %
200 < m ≤ 3007.2 grams
300 < m ≤ 5002.4 %
500 < m ≤ 1 00012 grams
1 000 < m ≤ 10 0001.2 %
10 000 < m ≤ 15 000120 grams
15 000 < m0.8 %
Note: The calculated deviation of each fill from the average may be adjusted to take account of the effect of material particle size

(c)Error relative to pre-set value (setting errors)

For automatic gravimetric filling instruments where it is possible to pre-set a fill weight, the maximum difference between the pre-set value and the average mass of the fills shall not exceed 0.312 of the maximum permissible deviation of each fill from the average, as specified in Table 11.

(4) Performance Under Influence Factor and Electromagnetic Disturbance

(a)The MPE due to influence factors shall be as specified in sub-paragraph (3)(a).

(b)The critical change value due to a disturbance is a change of the static weight indication equal to the MPE as specified in sub-paragraph (3)(a) calculated for the rated minimum fill, or a change that would give equivalent effect on the fill in the case of instruments where the fill consists of multiple loads. The calculated critical change value shall be rounded to the next higher scale interval (d).

(c)The manufacturer shall specify the value of the rated minimum fill.

Discontinuous TotalisersU.K.

48.—(1) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 44 and 45, the following specific requirements shall apply in relation to discontinuous totalisers.

(2) Accuracy Classes

Discontinuous totalisers are divided into four accuracy classes, as follows—



(iii)1; and


(3) MPE

Table 12
Accuracy classMPE of Totalised load

(4) Totalisation scale interval

The totalisation scale interval (dt) shall be in the range:

0.01 % Max ≤ dt ≤ 0.2 % Max

(5) Minimum Totalised Load (Σmin)

The minimum totalised load (Σmin) shall be not less than the load at which the MPE is equal to the totalisation scale interval (dt) and not less than the minimum load as specified by the manufacturer.

(6) Zero Setting

Instruments that do not tare weigh after each discharge shall have a zero setting device. Automatic operation shall be inhibited if zero indication varies by—

(a)1 dt on instruments with automatic zero setting device; or

(b)0.5 dt on instruments with a semi-automatic, or non-automatic, zero setting device.

(7) Operator Interface

Operator adjustments and reset function shall be inhibited during automatic operation.

(8) Printout

On instruments equipped with a printing device, the reset of the total shall be inhibited until the total is printed. The printout of the total shall occur if automatic operation is interrupted.

(9) Performance under influence factors and electromagnetic disturbances

(a)The MPE due to influence factors shall be as specified in Table 13.

Table 13
Load (m) in totalisation scale intervals dtMPE
0 < m ≤ 500±0.5dt
500 < m ≤ 2 000±1.0dt
2 000 < m ≤ 10 000±1.5dt

(b)The critical change value due to a disturbance is one totalisation scale interval for any weight indication and any stored total.

Continuous TotalisersU.K.

49.—(1) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 44 and 45, the following specific requirements shall apply in relation to continuous totalisers.

(2) Accuracy Classes

Continuous totalisers are divided into three accuracy classes, as follows—


(b)1; and


(3) Measurement Range

(a)The manufacturer shall specify the measurement range, the ratio between the minimum net load on the weighing unit and the maximum capacity, and the minimum totalised load.

(b)The minimum totalised load Σmin shall not be less than—

(i)800 d for class 0.5,

(ii)400 d for class 1,

(iii)200 d for class 2,

where d is the totalisation scale interval of the general totalisation device.

(4) MPE

Table 14
Accuracy classMPE for totalised load
0.5± 0.25%
1± 0.5%
2± 1.0%

(5) Speed of the Belt

The speed of the belt shall be specified by the manufacturer. For single-speed beltweighers, and variable-speed beltweighers having a manual speed setting control, the speed shall not vary by more than 5% of the nominal value. The product shall not have a different speed than the speed of the belt.

(6) General Totalisation Device

It shall not be possible to reset the general totalisation device to zero.

(7) Performance under influence factor and electromagnetic disturbance

(a)The MPE due to influence factor, for a load not less than Σmin, shall be 0.7 times the appropriate value specified in Table 14, rounded to the nearest totalisation scale interval (d).

(b)The critical change value due to a disturbance shall be 0.7 times the appropriate value specified in Table 14, for a load equal to Σmin, for the designated class of beltweigher, rounded up to the next higher totalisation scale interval (d).

Automatic Rail-weighbridgesU.K.

50.—(1) In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 44 and 45, the following specific requirements shall apply in relation to automatic rail-weighbridges.

(2) Accuracy classes

Automatic rail-weighbridges are divided into four accuracy classes as follows:



(iii)1; and


(3) MPE

(a)The MPEs for weighing-in-motion of a single wagon or a total train are shown in Table 15.

Table 15
Accuracy classMPE
0.2± 0.1 %
0.5± 0.25 %
1± 0.5 %
2± 1.0 %

(b)The MPEs for the weight of coupled or uncoupled wagons weighing-in-motion shall be one of the following values, whichever is the greatest:

(i)the value calculated according to Table 15, rounded to the nearest scale interval;

(ii)the value calculated according to Table 15, rounded to the nearest scale interval for a weight equal to 35% of the maximum wagon weight (as inscribed on the descriptive markings);

(iii)one scale interval (d).

(c)The MPEs for the weight of train weighing-in-motion shall be one of the following values, whichever is the greatest:

(i)the value calculated according to Table 15, rounded to the nearest scale interval;

(ii)the value calculated according to Table 15, for the weight of a single wagon equal to 35% of the maximum wagon weight (as inscribed on the descriptive markings) multiplied by the number of reference wagons (not exceeding 10) in the train, and rounded to the nearest scale interval;

(iii)one scale interval (d) for each wagon in the train, but not exceeding 10 d.

(d)When weighing coupled wagons; the errors of not more than 10% of the weighing results taken from one or more passes of the train may exceed the appropriate MPE given in paragraph 3(b), but shall not exceed twice the MPE.

(4) Scale interval (d)

The relationship between the accuracy class and the scale interval shall be as specified in Table 16.

Table 16
Accuracy classScale interval (d)
0.2d ≤ 50 kg
0.5d ≤ 100 kg
1d ≤ 200 kg
5d ≤ 500 kg

(5) Measurement range

(a)The minimum capacity shall not be less than 1 t, and not greater than the value of the result of the minimum wagon weight divided by the number of partial weighings.

(b)The minimum wagon weight shall not be less than 50 d.

(6) Performance under influence factor and electromagnetic disturbance

(a)The MPE due to an influence factor shall be as specified in Table 17.

Table 17
Load (m) in verification scale intervals (d)MPE
0 < m ≤ 500± 0.5 d
500 < m ≤ 2 000± 1.0 d
2 000 < m ≤ 10 000 ± 1.5 d

(b)The critical change value due to a disturbance is one scale interval.