SCHEDULE 3Specified Provisions of Council Regulation 51/2006 applicable to Third Country Vessels and Maximum Fines on Summary Conviction

Articles 8(3) and 10(2)

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Provision of Council Regulation 51/2006

Subject matter

Maximum fine on summary conviction


Article 14

Requirements in relation to vessels flying the flag of Norway or the Faroe Islands to fish within the geographical zone set out in Article 14(a).



Article 15

Requirement to stow nets whilst in transit through Community waters.



Article 16

Requirement not to retain on board or land fish except within quota limits.



Article 19.2

Requirement to keep on board licence and special fishing permits.



Article 24 .1

Requirement to comply with the conservation and control measures and other provisions governing fishing by Community vessels in the zones concerned.



Article 24.2

Requirement to keep a logbook.



Article 24.3

Requirement to transmit information to the Commission.

The statutory maximum


Point 7(a) of Annex VI, as read with point 7(b)

Requirement as regards third country vessels with catch on board to obtain authorisation before commencing fishing for blue whiting.



Point 7(c) of Annex VI

Requirements as regards vessels fishing for blue whiting leaving Community waters.
