PART 8Official Poll Cards

Insertion of new official and official postal poll cards into Schedule 347


Schedule 3 shall be amended as follows.


In the Arrangement of Forms, for the entries for Form A (Elector’s official poll card) and Form B (Proxy’s official poll card) substitute—

Form A

Official poll card (to be sent to an elector voting in person)

Form A1

Official postal poll card (to be sent to an elector voting by post)

Form B

Official proxy poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting in person)

Form B1

Official proxy postal poll card (to be sent to an appointed proxy voting by post)


For Form A substitute Form A (Official poll card) set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.


After Form A insert Form A1 (Official postal poll card) set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.


For Form B substitute Form B (Official proxy poll card) set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.


After Form B insert Form B1 (Official proxy postal poll card) set out in Schedule 2 to these Regulations.