2006 No. 3171

education, england and wales

The Education (School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order 2006


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

Following the reference to them of certain matters by the Secretary of State under section 120(1) of the Education Act 20021, the School Teachers’ Review Body2 have, after following the procedure set out in section 121 of that Act, reported to the Prime Minister and to the Secretary of State in accordance with section 120(3) of that Act, and the Prime Minister and Secretary of State have arranged for publication of their report under section 120(4) of that Act.

The Secretary of State for Education and Skills makes the following Order in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 122(1), 123, 124 and 210(7) of that Act.

In accordance with section 126 of that Act, the Secretary of State has consulted such associations of local education authorities, such bodies representing the interests of governing bodies of schools and such bodies representing the interests of teachers as appeared to him to be appropriate having regard to the contents of this Order.

Citation and commencement1

This Order may be cited as the Education (School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions) (No.2) (Amendment) Order 2006 and comes into force on 1st January 2007.

Amendment of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (No. 2) Order 20062


The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (No. 2) Order 20063 is amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (5).


At the end of the opening paragraph of the preamble, insert “2002” after “Education Act”.


Renumber article 1 as article 1(1), and after article 1(1) as renumbered insert—


In this Order, “the Document” means the document entitled “School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2006 and Guidance on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions”4 and published by The Stationery Office Limited on 1st September 2006.


In article 4—


for “It is directed that” substitute—


For the purposes of making provision for the determination of—


the remuneration of school teachers; and


other conditions of employment of school teachers which relate to their professional duties and working time,


for “document entitled “School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2006 and Guidance on School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions” and published by The Stationery Office Limited, shall”, substitute “Document, subject, on and after the date of coming into force of the Education (School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order 2006, to article 5,”.


After article 4 insert the following—



The Document has effect as if it were modified in accordance with the following paragraphs.


In paragraph 6.4—


for the annual salary in the Fringe Area at spine point L8 of “£41,151” substitute “£41,451”;


for the annual salary in the Inner London Area at spine point L36 of “£89,976” substitute “£86,976”; and


for the annual salary in the Inner London Area at spine point L40 of “£95,520” substitute “£95,250”.


After paragraph 23.4 insert—


In this paragraph—


“original salary” means the value at 31st December 2005 of the point at which the teacher was placed on the pay scale set out in paragraph 17.3 or in paragraph 19.2 of the 2005 Document, taking into account the annual determination required by paragraph 4.1 of that Document;


“safeguarded sum” means the value at 31st December 2005 of the management allowance.


In paragraph 41.1, for the annual salary for England and Wales (excluding the London Area) at scale point 3 of “£16,663” substitute “£15,663”.


In paragraph 49.8(c), after “pay spine” where that expression first occurs insert “or takes up an excellent teacher post”.


In paragraph 59(1), after “advanced skills teachers” insert a comma followed by “excellent teachers”.


To the extent that the Document and the modifications made to it by article 5 have not been published, or have not been published in a manner that the Secretary of State considers appropriate for drawing them to the attention of persons affected by them, the Secretary of State shall arrange for their publication in that manner.

Jim KnightMinister of StateDepartment for Education and Skills

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (No. 2) Order 2006 and the Document which was given legal effect by that Order, in order to replace several incorrect entries in the pay spine for members of the leadership group and the pay scale for unqualified teachers. The Order also inserts two definitions which appeared in the 2005 Document and were mistakenly omitted from the 2006 Document and inserts a reference to a teacher who takes up an excellent teacher post and a reference to excellent teachers, both of which should have been in the 2006 Document. The changes take effect from the date on which this Order comes into force; they are not backdated to 1st September 2006 when the 2006 Document came into force.