The Personal Injuries (NHS Charges) (General) and Road Traffic (NHS Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 2006
In accordance with section 195(3) of that Act she has consulted the National Assembly for Wales.
Citation, commencement, application and interpretation1.
These Regulations may be cited as the Personal Injuries (NHS Charges) (General) and Road Traffic (NHS Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 and shall come into force on 29th January 2007.
These Regulations apply in relation to England and Wales.
In these Regulations—
“the Act” means the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003;
“certificate” means a certificate issued under section 151;
“Compensation Recovery Unit” means the Compensation Recovery Unit of the Department for Work and Pensions;
A reference in these Regulations to a numbered section or Schedule is a reference to that section of, or that Schedule to, the Act.
Application for a certificate of NHS charges2.
An application for a certificate shall be made to the Compensation Recovery Unit and shall include the following particulars—
the full name and address of the injured person;
the date of birth, and where known, the national insurance number of that person;
the date on which the injury occurred;
the nature of the injury;
where the applicant has made a compensation payment in respect of the injury, the date on which that payment was made;
where the certificate applied for relates to a claim to which any of the circumstances specified in paragraphs (a) to (g) of section 153(3) (reduction of NHS charges in cases of contributory negligence) applies—
a statement of the proportion by which the damages payable in respect of the claim are to be reduced to reflect the injured person’s share in the responsibility for the injury in question, and
a copy of the order, judgement, minute or document which provides for that reduction; and
The prescribed period for the purposes of section 151(8)(b) (circumstances in which section 151(7) applies) is 28 days.
Reduction of NHS charges in certificates relating to qualifying claims3.
The circumstances in which the amount (or amounts) specified in a certificate relating to a qualifying claim are to be reduced in accordance with section 153(10) are where—
the applicant for the certificate sends to the Compensation Recovery Unit a report which contains the information specified in paragraph (2) and is signed by the parties to the agreement referred to in paragraph (2)(a); and
it appears to the Secretary of State from that report that the agreement was reached in a fair manner.
For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a) the following information is specified—
a statement that it was agreed by or on behalf of the injured person and the person who proposed to make a compensation payment that the damages payable under the settlement were to be reduced to reflect the injured person’s share in the responsibility for the injury in question;
a statement as to how that agreement was reached;
the amount of damages payable under the settlement had there been no such agreement;
the amount or proportion by which it was agreed that the damages were to be reduced; and
the names of all those involved in the settlement process.
Particulars as to amounts specified in a certificate4.
The particulars to which a person to whom a certificate is issued are entitled, in accordance with section 153(11), are—
in respect of NHS ambulance services counted for the purposes of determining any amount in the certificate—
the date on which the services were provided, and
the name and address of any hospital to which the injured person was taken; and
in respect of NHS treatment counted for the purposes of determining any amount in the certificate—
whether the injured person was admitted to any hospital and if so, the number of days of admission counted at each hospital.
Information to be provided in relation to an injured person5.
A person specified in section 160(1)(a) shall send to the Compensation Recovery Unit the information set out in paragraph (3)(a) and (b) and, where known, the information set out in paragraph (3)(c) to (g) not later than 14 days after the date on which the claim in respect of the injury is made by or on behalf of the injured person.
A person specified in section 160(1)(b) to (e) shall send to the Compensation Recovery Unit, where known, such information set out in paragraph (3) as the Secretary of State may request not later than 14 days after the date of the request.
The information referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) is—
the full name and address of the injured person;
the full name and address of —
the person against whom the claim is made, and
anyone acting on behalf of that person;
the date of birth or national insurance number of that person;
the date on which the injury occurred;
the nature of the injury;
in respect of NHS treatment received at a hospital in respect of the injury—
the name and address of the hospital, and
whether the injured person was admitted to hospital and if so the date of admission and discharge; and
in respect of NHS ambulance services provided to the injured person as a result of his injury—
the name and address of the ambulance trust which provided those services,
the date on which the services were provided, and
the name and address of any hospital to which the injured person was taken.
The responsible body of each hospital at which an injured person received NHS treatment in respect of his injury shall send the following information in relation to that person to the Compensation Recovery Unit not later than 14 days after the date on which the Secretary of State requests it—
the date the treatment began;
whether, and if so, the date on which, NHS ambulance services were provided to the injured person, as a result of his injury, for the purpose of taking him to a hospital in relation to which it is the responsible body (including taking him from one such hospital to another such hospital);
whether the injured person was admitted to a hospital in relation to which it is the responsible body and, if so, the dates of admission and discharge;
where known, the name and address of any other hospital at which the injured person received treatment; and
whether there is likely to be further treatment in respect of the injury.
Any ambulance trust which provided NHS ambulance services to an injured person as a result of his injury shall send the following information in relation to that person to the Compensation Recovery Unit not later than 14 days after the date on which the Secretary of State requests it—
the date on which those services were provided to the injured person as a result of his injury; and
the name and address of any hospital to which the injured person was taken for NHS treatment.
Payments to hospitals and ambulance trusts6.
The Secretary of State—
may make more than one such payment at the same time; and
may do so by direct credit transfer.
the name and address of the injured person to whom the statement relates;
the amount of the payment; and
the date of the incident in respect of which the payment is made.
the Secretary of State receives a payment of relevant NHS charges; and
the responsible body of the hospital (“the old body”) or the relevant ambulance trust (“the old trust”) concerned has ceased to exist,
the Secretary of State shall pay the amount received to the body to which the property, rights and liabilities of the old body or the old trust have been transferred.
If the property, rights and liabilities of the old body or the old trust have been transferred to more than one body, the Secretary of State, may, for the purposes of paragraph (3), divide the payment among those bodies in such manner as she considers appropriate.
Structured settlements7.
This regulation applies where, apart from the provisions of this regulation, the payments due under an agreement or court order referred to in paragraph (2) would fall to be treated for the purposes of Part 3 of the Act as compensation payments.
The agreement or court order referred to in paragraph (1) is—
an agreement entered into in final settlement of a claim made by or on behalf of an injured person for—
the making of periodical compensation payments (whether of an income or capital nature), or
the making of such payments and lump sum payments; or
an order by a court which—
awards damages to an injured person in respect of injury or death arising out of an incident; and
orders that the damages are wholly or partly to take the form of periodical payments.
Where this regulation applies—
the person liable to make the payment under the agreement or order shall be taken to have made a single compensation payment on the day of agreement or the date of making of the court order;
payments made under the agreement or court order referred to in paragraph (2), and any other payment made to the injured person after the day of agreement or court order in respect of the same incident, shall be taken not to be compensation payments.
In this regulation, “the day of agreement” means—
if the agreement referred to in paragraph (2)(a) is approved by the court, the day on which that approval is given; and
in any other case, the day on which the agreement is entered into.
Interim payments repaid under court order8.
This regulation applies where—
a person has made a payment of relevant NHS charges to the Secretary of State;
that payment relates to a compensation payment which was an interim payment of damages in respect of the injury, the whole amount of which a court has ordered to be repaid; and
no other compensation payment has been made by that person to the injured person in respect of the same injury.
Where this regulation applies, the Secretary of State shall pay to the person who made the compensation payment the amount of the payment referred to in paragraph (1)(a).
Where this regulation applies and the Secretary of State has (under section 162) paid the amount received to an ambulance trust or a responsible body, she may—
deduct the amount paid to that trust or body from any future payment due under that section;
require that trust or body to pay that amount to her; or
discharge her duty under paragraph (2) by requiring that trust or body to pay that amount to the person who paid the relevant NHS charges.
Where the Secretary of State makes a deduction or a requirement for payment under paragraph (3), she shall (with the requirement or the payment from which the deduction is made) send the responsible body or ambulance trust a statement showing—
the name and address of the injured person to whom the statement relates;
the amount already paid by the Secretary of State; and
whether that amount has been deducted, or payment to the Secretary of State or to the person who paid the relevant NHS charges is required.
Payments into court9.
A payment into court made in respect of an injured person shall only be treated as the making of a compensation payment if it is—
accepted by or on behalf of the injured person within the initial period;
accepted, after the initial period, in satisfaction of the injured person’s claim by consent between the parties; or
made, after the initial period, in accordance with a court order and in satisfaction of the claim.
In paragraph (1), “the initial period” means the period of 21 days after the receipt by the injured person of notice of the payment into court having been made.
In the circumstances referred to in paragraph (1)(a), the compensation payment shall be treated as having been made on the date on which the payment into court was made.
In the circumstances referred to in paragraph (1)(b), the compensation payment shall be treated as having been made on the date on which the application to the court for payment out is made.
In the circumstances referred to in paragraph (1)(c), the compensation payment shall be treated as having been made on the date of the court order.
Liability of insurers10.
a policy of insurance is treated under section 164(1) as covering a person’s liability under section 150(2) (liability to pay NHS charges);
under that policy of insurance the amount of cover in respect of the injury is limited to, or by reference to—
a maximum sum, or
a proportion of the compensation which the insured person is liable to pay in respect of the injury; and
in consequence of the limitation, a proportion of the compensation which the insured person is liable to pay in respect of the injury would not be covered by the policy but for section 164(1),
the liability imposed on the insurer by section 164(1) shall be reduced by the same proportion as their liability for the compensation payment.
Exempted payments11.
The following payments are prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 8 of Schedule 10 (payments excluded from definition of compensation payment in section 150(3))—
Amendment of the Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Amendment Regulations 200512.
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State
Part 3 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 provides for a scheme for the recovery of charges in cases where an injured person who receives a compensation payment in respect of his injury has received National Health Service hospital treatment or ambulance services. The charges are specified in certificates issued by the Secretary of State, and are payable by persons who pay compensation to the injured person.
Regulations 2 to 11 make provision as to the following matters in connection with the scheme—
the particulars to be included in applications for certificates and the period within which certain applications must be made (regulation 2);
the circumstances when there may be a reduction of the amount of NHS charges where the injured person agrees to have shared responsibility for the injury (regulation 3);
particulars with which a person who is issued with a certificate is entitled to be provided (regulation 4);
the classes of people who must provide information relating to the injured person to the Secretary of State (whether of their own accord or following a request from the Secretary of State) and the timeframes within which the information must be provided (regulation 5);
the manner in which the Secretary of State must make payments of NHS charges to hospitals and ambulance trusts (including provision where the body who provided the services for which payment is due is no longer in existence) and the information that must accompany those payments (regulation 6);
application of the scheme in respect of structured settlements (regulation 7), interim payments (regulation 8) and payments into court (regulation 9);
the limitation of the liability of insurers in respect of compensation payments where the insured person’s liability to pay in respect of the injury is greater than that covered by the insurance policy (regulation 10);
the exclusion of payments made under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995 and the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 from the scheme (regulation 11).
Regulation 12 of these Regulations removes a definition included in error in the Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Amendment Regulations 2005 (“the 2005 Regulations”).
A Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared for these Regulations and a copy has been placed in the library of each House of Parliament. Copies of the Regulatory Impact Assessment can be obtained from the Income Generation Team, Department of Health, Room 4W04, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7UE.